State and Prospects of the Family Medicine Development in Tajikistan

State and Prospects of the Family Medicine Development in Tajikistan
November 23
10:44 2019

Today, on November 22, a republican conference entitled “State and Prospects of the Family Medicine Development” was held in Dushanbe Plaza in honor of the 20-anniversary of the State Institution “Republican Training and Clinical Center of Family Medicine”, where were discussed topical issues relating to the development of primary health care based on the principles of family medicine and identified further steps for 2020-2030.

The conference was attended by the Minister of Health and Social Protection of the Population Nasim Olimzoda, representatives of the World Health Organization (WHO), the Swiss Institute for Tropics and Public Health, development partners and other representatives of the ministry.

Before the conference, Nasim Olimzoda solemnly awarded two veterans of health academician Ghiyosiddin Merojov and Professor Nabijon Homidov, who have made significant contributions to the training of young people and the development of Tajik medicine, in honor of their 85th jubilee.

While opening the conference, Nasim Olimzoda noted that the health care reform came from real need for transition to the low-cost system, the organization of outpatient and polyclinic assistance, its individual and family rehabilitation. The social order for the introduction of family medicine – preventive medicine system of the population, the basis of which are doctors and nurses, is being formed.

During the conference, the director of the state institution “Republican Training and Clinical Center for Family Medicine” I. Bandaev, the head of the WHO European Center for Primary Health Care Anna Johansen and the adviser to the Swiss Institute of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, Professor Renato Galeatsi.

It should be noted that currently there are in Tajikistan 4 provincial educational and clinical family medicine centers (1 Republican Centre, 3 Provincial Centres in GBAO, Khatlon and Sughd) and 11 educational and clinical departments of family medicine in cities and districts (Istaravshan, Konibodom, Panjakent, Kulob, Tursunzoda, Vahdat, Dangara, Shahritus, Rasht, Shahrinav and Rudaki).

The State Institution of the Republican Medical and Clinical Center of Family Medicine was established in 1998 on the basis of the Department of Family Medicine of the Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education of Tajikistan as the “Republican Center for Family Medicine”.

The following types of planned and non-planned postgraduate education are available at the Center upon request of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Tajikistan:

– specialization in family medicine for persons with higher medical education;

– specialization in nursing (male nurse) for persons with secondary professional medical education;

– professional development for family doctors and nurses;

– carrying out mobile training courses;

– conduct of internship for family physicians;

– seminars.

The center has a library of 3407 specialized books and acquired another 407 books from 2011 through 2015.

In total, the number of trained family doctors in the network of primary health care facilities of the republic is 4352 (81.6%, the demand is 5,333), and the average family medical staff is 8155 (76.4%, the demand is 10,667).

Benefits for family medicine professionals are identified, which include allocation of land for young professionals in the districts and long-term soft loans.

The State Institution “Republican Training and Clinical Center of Family Medicine” signed Memorandums of cooperation for the development of family medicine with specialized institutions of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, the World Health Organization (WONCA) and the UK College of Family Physicians.

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