15 ambulances, 2 refrigerators, dummies and phantoms for family medicine, computer equipment, laptops and tablets, as well as other medical equipment – all this was transferred on July 15 to the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population of Tajikistan.
The handover ceremony was held at the State Institution “Gastroenterological Institute of the Republic of Tajikistan” as part of the “Improvement of Medical Services” project.
Medical bags, information materials, a set of clinical instructions were also handed over.
The project has been implemented since 2013 with the financial support of the World Bank. Its goal is to improve the quality and accessibility of primary health care in rural medical institutions in 16 pilot districts of Khatlon and Sughd regions, as well as in Fayzobod and Darvoz districts.
During the years of implementation of the project programs there have been significant changes in the system of primary health care facilities in the pilot districts. Along with other activities of the project, its main goal is to provide institutions with medical transport.
The handover ceremony was attended by the Minister of Health and Social Protection of the Population JamoliddinAbdullozoda, World Bank for Tajikistan OzanSevimli and representatives of ministry’s subordinate institutions.
Earlier, 20 ambulances were purchased under this project.
Also on this day, phantoms and mannequins were handed over to the Training and Clinical Center for Family Medicine in the Sughd region to strengthen the educational material and technical base in the amount of $24,930. Previously, such a set of training tools was transferred to the Training and Clinical Center for Family Medicine in the Khatlon region.
During the event, samples of medical equipment purchased for 76 village health centers in pilot areas were demonstrated in the amount of $381,302.
Since the beginning of the project, 3,808 medical workers of the first level of health care in pilot districts have completed 6-month short-term courses. More than 7,700 people have completed training courses on computer programs and the basics of financing.
As part of the Health Services Improvement project, the first funding (in order to improve the infrastructure of healthcare facilities in the pilot districts) was provided for construction and repair work in 37 medical institutions in 9 pilot districts, as well as for the renovation of the Family Medicine Training and Clinical Center in Khatlon region.