23 Medical Facilities Will Be Constructed in Mir Sayid Ali Hamadoni District For the Next Three Years

23 Medical Facilities Will Be Constructed in Mir Sayid Ali Hamadoni District For the Next Three Years
August 30
14:53 2019


In order to worthy celebrate the 30th anniversary of the State Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan, a lot of creative and improvement measures are being developed in ​​Mir Sayid Ali Hamadoni district as well as the construction and reconstruction of administrative and cultural facilities, factories, enterprises and educational institutions continues.

According to the head of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Executive body of the state local authority of the mentioned district Latifi Sherali, in order to worthy celebrate the national holiday, the construction and reconstruction of 196 various facilities, including 10 medical centers, 8 hospitals, 5 health centers and educational-medical center for the next three years.

It is noteworthy that construction and reconstruction of medical facilities in all parts of the country is proceeding with great pace in honor of the 30th anniversary of State Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan.

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