Dushanbe: Congress of Cardiologists and Therapists of Asian countries and the CIS member nations

As you were previously informed, on April 26, 2019, the two-day Congress of Cardiologists and Therapists of Asian countries and the CIS member nations  under the title of “Actual problems of cardiovascular and somatic diseases” was held in Dushanbe-the capital of Tajikistan.  And it completed its work on April, 27.

On the second day of the Congress in some of the separate halls of the Tajik National Library the symposiums on issues such as diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, treatment of internal diseases, actual problems of endocrinology, including diabetes and obesity, vessel operation technology, neurology, nephrology, topical issues of gastroenterology, oncology and family medicine were held where local and foreign specialists made their reports.

In the framework of the Congress under the supervision of the Minister of the Health and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Tajikistan Nasim Olimzadeh at the State institution “Republican Scientific-Clinical Cardiovascular Operation Center” an online operation on artery stenting was held by the specialists from Russia, India and as well as by the Tajik doctors which was monitored by all participants of the Congress. During the monitoring the operation the cardiologists counseled their counterparts and got the answers their questions.

It should be noted that the heart artery stenting operation was monitored live in 5 regional clinical cardiovascular hospitals of Khujand, Kulob, Bokhtar, Khorug and also “Istiqlol” Medical Complex in Dushanbe.

We will recall that at the end of this high-level event the participants were awarded Certificates and Diplomas.

In connection with the Congress of Cardiologists and Therapists of Asian countries and the CIS member nations titled “Actual problems of cardiovascular and somatic diseases” the participants expressed their opinion.

Alijon Goibzodah Juraevich, President of the Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan:

“In the history of our Tajikistan, this is the first world-class Congress, which was attended by highly qualified cardiologists and therapists from around the world. This Congress is of both scientific and practical importance for our doctors, as questions about the diagnosis and treatment, which have been widely distributed in recent years, have been touched upon, and the latest medical technology has been used. Thus, the Congress will give a great impetus to the expansion of knowledge for our doctors coming from other parts of the country. In turn, we are also going to take experience from our colleagues and use their experience and knowledge in the field of medical science in Tajikistan.

I was the Chairman of one of the symposiums of the Congress on the issue of cardiovascular diseases on the topic “Actual problems of surgery of the vessels”, where there were 14 presentations, including speeches by foreign experts dedicated to cardiovascular diseases. The Tajik doctors together with their foreign colleagues at the Center for Cardiovascular Surgery conducted the operation without surgery, by making a hole in a blood vessel, and penetrating through it to the vessels of the patient’s heart and find and diagnose the narrow places and stenting them.

One of the priorities of the Congress was how to use the high technologies in diagnosis and treatment of heart diseases.

Mehman Mammadov, Vice-President of the Cardiology Development Fund

“Cardioprogress”, the Russian Federation:


-The idea of ​​the Congress of Cardiologists and Therapists in Asia and the Commonwealth of Independent States was conceived a year ago. The Minister of Health and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Tajikistan Nasim Olimzoda and I decided to hold a Congress of cardiologists and therapists from the countries of Asia and the Commonwealth of Independent States in Dushanbe, because cardiovascular diseases are very common in Tajikistan, and such events are not often held in Dushanbe and therefore we decided to draw the attention of the medical community to the problem of cardiovascular diseases and other socially significant diseases. For this purpose, the organizing committee was created. The organizing committee consisted of two parts, this is a local organizing committee that worked in Tajikistan and the International Organizing Committee that helped carry out this project.


Alekperov Elman, a cardiologist from Azerbaijan:

– This is my first visit to Tajikistan. I am pleasantly surprised by the hospitality of the Tajik people.  Congress is of great importance not only for hosted country, but also for all countries of the CIS and Asia. Although this event was held for the first time, it was organized at a high level. I would like to hold such events in the future.

Roman Barak, a cardiologist from Israel:

-I represent the cardiology of Israel here. It is a great honor for me to be present at this level of the event, where a large number of specialists take part, speaking with the most significant and important topics that have a positive effect on the health protection of the world’s population. Today, cardiovascular diseases have become one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Therefore, the organization of such events should be held daily and in every country of the world. Once more Tajikistan proved with its great and humanistic measures and intentions that it is not impartial to public health.

Beginch Annaev, a cardiologist from Turkmanistan:

–I was satisfied with the organization and coverage of the various topics that were discussed, in particular the topics of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. I also really liked Dushanbe, the city is very beautiful and friendly. Thanks to the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan for organizing and conducting such magnificent and important event.

Evgeny Averen, a cardiologist from Russia:

– The Congress brings together 30 countries, and here we can not only report the results of our research, but also discuss how different countries treat the same therapies.

Shipilkeevich Alla Petrovna, a Doctor of Medical Sciences, Belarus:

-First of all, I would like to note the high level of organization of the Congress. It gathered a large number of highly qualified doctors. Interdisciplinary sections were held in various areas of medicine, the most advanced technologies were announced, experts from more than 30 countries shared their experience, and in addition to theoretical classes and seminars, we also held master classes. The Congress will open new vistas of opportunities for the regional countries.

We hope that holding such a large-scale scientific conference will give a serious impetus to the development of the cardio logical and therapeutic spheres of the country.

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