Second Congress of Tajik Doctors Took Place

Second Congress of Tajik Doctors Took Place
July 01
14:13 2019

The second congress of Tajik doctors entitled “Modern methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of somatic diseases” was held on June 29 in the hall of the Tajik State Medical University (TSMU) named after Abuali Ibn Sino.

The Minister of Health and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Tajikistan Nasim Olimzoda, Deputies Minister Saida Umarzoda, Aziz Odinazoda, Shodikhon Jamshed, TSMU’s Rector Mahmadsho Gulzoda, directors of the educational and medical institutions, heads of services and departments, in general, more than 400 scientists and experts of the country’s medical field attended the event.

Nasim Olimzada opened the event and delivered speech on the topic “Health field’s achievements in Republic of Tajikistan”.

It was emphasized that five years have passed since the first congress of the country’s doctors, and during this period, under the leadership of the Leader of the Nation Emomali Rahmon, the beloved Tajikistan has become a prosperous country.

“We can positively assess the five-year period from the congress to congress with the formation of a legal framework by the example of the Health code of Tajikistan, enhancing human potential, increasing the number of trained personnel, using modern methods of diagnosis and treatment, which gave a serious impetus to the development of the sphere, improving socio-economic conditions of workers while raising wages, dentistry, cash aid and housing, land, etc.,” added Nasim Olimzoda.

The Minister said that the main task of today’s congress is to define new goals for the next five years.

“The Government of Tajikistan since the beginning of independence has considered the comprehensive progress of the most important spheres of society, including science, education, health, culture and social protection as one of the main and priority directions of its policy, and is implementing all necessary measures to achieve these goals,” stressed Nasim Olimzoda.

Nasim Olimzoda also noted that the fields workers need to pay serious attention to the level and quality of medical services, high professional ethics, humanistic and caring attitude and strive to eliminate undesirable actions such as corruption, negligence, rudeness and inhumanity, so that there are no negative consequences among people regarding doctors.

Then, on the issues discussed, the speakers presented their reports on professional communication, public health strategy and health care policy, innovative medicine, achievements of practical medicine, topical issues of prevention and treatment of patients with diabetes, viral hepatitis, family medicine, surgical, reproductive health, training medical personnel, innovative educating technologies, etc.

Following the congress, Minister Nasim Olimzoda considered important the holding of the congress for development of the industry.


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