A Solemn Meeting Dedicated to the 28th Anniversary of the State Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan

A Solemn Meeting Dedicated to the 28th Anniversary of the State Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan
September 03
14:18 2019

A solemn meeting dedicated to the 28th anniversary of State Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan was held at the Shifobakhsh State Medical Center.

The First Deputy Minister of Health and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Tajikistan Saida Umarzoda, Aziz Odinazoda, Mirahmuddin Kamolzoda, Shodikhon Jamshed, assistant to the minister Dillorom Sodikova, head of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Tajikistan Alijon Goibzoda, rector of the Tajik State Medical University named after Abuali Ibn Sino Mahmadsho Gulzoda, heads of industry services of the state social protection agency, heads of health departments of GBAO, Khatlon and Sughd regions, heads of republican centers and healthcare institutions of the regions attended the meeting.

The festive event began with the introduction of the State flag into the hall and the sound of the National Anthem.

Saida Umarzoda congratulated everyone on this significant date and noted that Independence is a passport of sovereign Tajiks in the world community, which independently promotes the state system, internal and external, social, economic and cultural policies.

It was noted that a thousand years after the great Samanid state, a new national state, the Republic of Tajikistan, was created on the world’s political map.

Independence is a blessing that gave the Tajik people the right to self-determination, and our society as a democratic state has entered the general process of human history.

The independence of the Tajik people has its ancient and stable spiritual roots, and the beginning of our statehood dates back to the Canaanite covenant.

“Independence is the core of our national statehood and the basis of the patriotism of our glorious people, who forged their destiny with their own hands, chose their own path and gained a worthy niche in the world community, whose pulse beats in unison with the pulse of the planet,” emphasized the President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon.

It was especially noted that for 28 years of full state independence, we laid the foundation for a new statehood, gained real political independence and were recognized as a fully recognized international entity.

Tajikistan declared its independence on 9th September 1991.

After gaining independence, the foundations of the constitutional system and government were settled, and the country’s Constitution was adopted at a national referendum. The most important symbols of independence and national statehood were the emblem, flag and anthem, the National Army and border troops were created, state security and border protection were established. The national currency came into circulation, and the national passport was recognized on the world stage.


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