New Rehabilitation Approaches Are Being Implemented In Practice

New Rehabilitation Approaches Are Being Implemented In Practice
October 12
12:11 2019

(Devoted to the International Forum on Recovery and Rehabilitation of Disabled)

After the gaining State independence, the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan paid special attention to the category of disabled, and completed a number of significant works for their life and work. There are many rehabilitation institutions for disabled in the country, one of which is the State institution “National Center for the Rehabilitation of Disabled Children “Chorbog” in Varzob district. In connection with the coverage of children for rehabilitation and other aspects of this issue, we interviewed the director of the above institution Mahmadullo Kosimov:

– First of all, we would like to know a bit about your institution!?

– The State institution “National Center for the Rehabilitation of Disabled Children “Chorbog” in Varzob district is a social institution consisting of 3 buildings. The first and second buildings consist of permanent staff for 200 children. The third building is a rehabilitation department, where during the year the children will undergo rehabilitation in 17 sections by the vouchers of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Tajikistan and under the supervision of their mothers. It should be noted that people in need from all over the country visit the rehabilitation department.

Each year, the administration of the institution cooperates with other organizations, institutions and well-wisher people to repair corridors, bedrooms, rehabilitation workrooms, benches and playgrounds for children as well as repairs and puts into operation apparatus, supplies and equipment by their support.

It should be noted that the main focus of the administration and staff is the sanitation and safety of permanent residents, as well as mothers and children. In order to ensure the health of residents, employees conduct daily sanitary, disinfection and general cleaning. It is safe to say that the management and employees of the institution created all the necessary conditions for the children to lead a decent life.

– What types of rehabilitation services does this institution provide for disabled children?

– Indeed, the coverage of disabled children is one of the main tasks of our institution. In this process, experienced specialists of the institution provide 17 different types of rehabilitation for disabled children, including:

– general body massage;

– light;

– paraffin;

– treatment by movement;

– physiotherapy with water;

– physiotherapy with music and dance;

– work with the test, drawing;

– treatment by a speech therapist to strengthen and directed speech;

– massage with peas and beans (art therapy);

– touch therapy;

– treatment by physical education;

– training;

– work with parents – awareness raising, training, training seminars on rehabilitation issues;

– Swedish wall;

– musical treatment;

– working treatment;

– herbal treatment;

– What measures are currently being implemented by the institution in the direction of rehabilitation of disabled?

– The institution’s leadership has developed an action plan for the implementation of the “National Program for the Rehabilitation of Disabled for 2017–2020”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan dated October 16, 2016 No. 455 and effective measures are currently being taken for its implementation.

It should be noted that this year, with the assistance of specialists and with the support of the institution’s leadership, a new type of rehabilitation – “Musical treatment” – was introduced in the rehabilitation department. This type of treatment is useful for awakening the senses of the hands and muscles, mental development and improving small movements. It is also planned to introduce an innovative type of rehabilitation – “Hippotherapy” – by the end of the year.

The institution’s leadership is trying to further analyze the study of world scientific achievements in the field of rehabilitation of disabled as well as to improve the quality of services for disabled children.

How are disabled children accepted to this institution?

– According to the Charter of the institution, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Tajikistan dated July 2, 2014 No. 448, the institution accepts disabled children with mental and physical disabilities. Along with permanent and temporary staying, their parents can also receive methodological and educational consultations in the center’s in-patient department for the rehabilitation of their disabled children.

According to the current procedure, disabled children are admitted to institution by the vouchers of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Tajikistan.

– What kinds of activities are planned among the residents of the institution?

– It is worth noting that national holidays are celebrated at a high level with the participation of residents of the institution. It is noteworthy that the institution works closely with artists of the State Philharmonic of the Republic of Tajikistan named after Akasharif Juraev. Artists and dance groups participate in all cultural and entertainment events held at the institution level. In addition, a group of art lovers of the institution regularly offers concerts for children. Also, mothers of children with great enthusiasm participate in concert programs and sing songs for their babies. Also, residents of the institution regularly visit the capital’s cultural and entertainment parks for a walk.

It should be noted that according to the action plan, the children of the institution together with their teachers took part in specialized competitions and were awarded with 1, 2, 3 places and honorary prizes.

– As we know, in October this year Dushanbe will host an International Forum on Recovery and Rehabilitation of Disabled. Your expectations from this forum…

– We hope that the Forum participants will offer internationally recognized scientifically based rehabilitation methods to improve the range of services for disabled people in the country.

Specialists in the field of the country’s social protection should master these skills for practical application, as well as use them in the development of the “National Program for the Rehabilitation of Disabled for 2017–2020”.

– Thank you!

 Interviewed by Khusrav SHOHSAIDOV

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