Tajik – French Talks

Tajik – French Talks
November 12
09:35 2019

The Élysée Palace has hosted talks between President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon and President of French Republic Emmanuel Macron. Following the official welcoming ceremony, Emomali Rahmon and Emmanuel Macron had a one-on-one discussion. Later the talks continued in expanded format, related to further expansion of bilateral and multilateral cooperation between Tajikistan and France.President of Tajikistan expressed his satisfaction over the constantly expanding Tajik – French relationship based in a spirit of mutual respect and taking into account the national interest and thanked the French government for the warm welcome and kind hospitality extended to him and his delegation.

Tajikistan and France hold the same position on the issues relating to climate change, the fight against security threats and challenges, such as international terrorism and extremism.

Cooperation of the inter-ministerial political consultations, further expansion of cooperation in various areas of trade, economy, and investment, humanitarian and cultural spheres, strengthening cooperation in the areas of civil aviation, energy, transport logistics, telecommunications, engineering, agriculture, and tourism, health care was mentioned as vitally important.

Extraction and processing of minerals, light and food industry, chemical, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, including aluminum production are promising areas for further cooperation. The counterparts mentioned the importance of French companies in the implementation of projects related to the infrastructure and energy, industry, agriculture and health care in Tajikistan for the enhancement of economic engagements.

The sides also discussed Tajik – French cooperation within the framework of international organizations, including the European Union.

Tajikistan and France share the same vision of ensuring sustainable development, strengthening peace and stability, combating security threats, and promoting constructive global initiatives. Both countries have been supporting each other’s initiatives, including Tajikistan’s initiative, which United Nations General Assembly unanimously adopted the resolution on declaring “International Decade (2018–2028) for Action – Water for Sustainable Development.”

The two sides also exchanged views on the fight against global threats and challenges, in particular terrorism, extremism, smuggling of humans, drugs and weapons.

Tajikistan has been a supporter of constructive initiatives geared toward achieving peace and stability in Afghanistan, and is interested in strengthening cooperation with all stakeholders in this regard, because ensuring security in Afghanistan is an important factor in sustaining stability in Central Asia.

President Macron proposed establishing a dialogue between France and the Central Asian nations at the level of foreign ministers.

At the end of the meeting, President Emomali Rahmon invited President Macron to visit Tajikistan, which was accepted with pleasure.

Following the talks the following five new cooperation documents were signed in the presence of both state leaders:

– Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Government of the French Republic on air communication;

– Declaration on cooperation between Tajikistan’s Tourism Development Committee and the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs of France.

– Declaration on cooperation between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan and the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs of France for 2019-2023.

– Declaration on cooperation between the Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan and the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs of France and the French Institute for Central Asian Studies (IFEAC).

– MoU between the National University of Tajikistan and the University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne in the field of education.

Totally, 11 new cooperation documents were signed during President Emomali Rahmon’s official visit to France.

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