President Emomali Rahmon Attends 2nd Paris Peace Forum

President Emomali Rahmon Attends 2nd Paris Peace Forum
November 13
14:17 2019

The Founder of Peace and National Unity, Leader of the Nation, President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon attended the Paris Peace Forum in la Grande Halle de la Villette.

More than 30 heads of state and governments, leaders of international organizations and foreign official representatives are participating in the forum which will extend to November 13.

The Paris Peace Forum is an independent association which was created to serve as a platform for high-level international discussions and to host direct dialogue between officials and civil society representatives on urgent issues including global governance, finding ways to reduce international tension and strengthening of peace and prosperity, combating climate change, solving cross-border problem, managing cultural world heritage sites, managing the cybersphere at an international level, and countering information manipulation.

The event includes within it presentations of projects and initiatives aimed at providing specific support to the broader international cooperation on global issues, fair globalization and efficient multilateral system.

After the session, the work of the forum extends to different sections related to peace and security, environmental protection, latest technologies, culture and education. A total of 150 civil society projects will be considered by the participants.

Following the plenary session, President Emomali Rahmon had a brief meeting with President of the Paris Peace Forum, Honorary Director of the Center for Social and Economic Research “Our Europe” Pascal Lamy, President of France Emmanuel Macron, Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades and the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen.

The meeting included discussions about ensuring peace and security, environmental protection, boosting various areas of cooperation helpful bof both parties and oher issues of mutual interest.


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