Health Minister Olimzoda Controls the Treatment of Benjamin Ilhom

Health Minister Olimzoda Controls the Treatment of Benjamin Ilhom
January 20
08:16 2020

On January 15, the Founder of Peace and National Unity, Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan His Excellency Emomali Rahmon and Chairman of Dushanbe Rustam Emomali officially commissioned Secondary School No. 65 in the capital’s Shohmansur District.

During the commissioning ceremony, President talked with students who won prizes at republican and international contests.

President Emomali Rahmon asked the 10-year-old Benjamin Ilhom, who is one of the winners of the republican literary contest “Furughi sibhi donoi…”

“What do your parents do?,” asked Emomali Rahmon.

Benjamin answered that his mother is a housewife and father is a border guard.

“Who do you want to be in the future?,” asked him the Head of State.

“I want to be doctor,” answered the boy and suddenly began to weep.

“Why are you crying, who is sick at your home?,” asked President Emomali Rahmon.

Benjamin answered that he himself was ill and doctors said that his illness could be treated abroad.

Following the boy’s answer, President Emomali Rahmon instructed the Minister of Health and Social Protection of the Population to supervise the treatment of Benjamin Ilhom and provide him free treatment.

On January 16, in order to implement the President’s instruction under the direct order of the Minister of Health and Social Protection of the Population Nasim Olimzoda, minister’s first deputy Saida Umarzoda held a consultation of doctors at the State Institution “Istiklol Medical Complex”.

The consultation was attended by academician, the ministry’s chief specialist Gh. Mirojov, the head of the Department of organization of medical services for mothers and children, and family planning of the ministry’s central apparatus Z. Nabiev, the director of the State Institution “Istiklol Medical Complex”, Professor H. Ibodov and a number of leading healthcare professionals.

After diagnosis and consultation, Benjamin is hospitalized in the gastroenterology department of Istiqlol Medical Complex and is undergoing treatment by doctors. Now his health condition is stable and his parents are satisfied with the services of the doctors.

Currently, Benjamin’s treatment is under the direct control of the Minister of Health and Social Protection of the Population Nasim Olimzoda.



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