Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population of Tajikistan Held Press Conference

Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population of Tajikistan Held Press Conference
February 08
11:36 2020

On February 6, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population of Tajikistan held a press conference.

The press conference was attended by Minister of of Health and Social Protection of the Population Nasim Olimzoda, his deputies Saida Umarzoda, Mirhamuddin Kamolzoda, Shodikhon Jamshed, WHO Country Office Manager for Tajikistan Galina Perfilieva, heads of industry services, the State Agency for Social Protection, heads of national centers and healthcare institutions, as well as a wide range of representatives of domestic and foreign media.

While opening the press conference, Olimzoda assessed the past year as a successful and productive, since for this period there are a number of important historical unforgettable events, an in-depth analysis and evaluation of indicators of the economic and social development of Tajikistan are set out in the Message of the President Emomali Rahmon to the Supreme Assembly on December 26, 2019.

In his speech, Olimzoda also informed the participants about achievements in the field of healthcare.

In particular, he noted that over the past year a number of events related to various areas of health and social protection, such as the Congress of Cardiologists and Therapists of Asia and the Commonwealth of Independent States, international conferences on key issues related to human immunodeficiency virus, tuberculosis and malnutrition, International Disability Forum, Health Council of the CIS Member States and joint review of the implementation of the National Health Strategy of Tajikistan for 2010 – 2020 (Summit 9) were carried out.

As of January 1, 2020, there were 115,005 employees in the health system, including 82,000 women.

The Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population signed 25 agreements on cooperation with foreign countries in the field of health and social protection and continues cooperation within the framework of 34 intergovernmental commissions.

More than 72 medical and social facilities were built and equipped with modern equipment from investment funds of international organizations, including the World Bank, German Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, Islamic Development Bank, Agencies for International Development and Cooperation of the European Union, US, Germany, Russia, Japan, Switzerland and Turkey.

Following Olimzoda’s report, the media representatives get answers to their questions from the ministry’s leadership, WHO Country Office Manager for Tajikistan Galina Perfileva, and other relevant officials.

The head of the creative group of the Center for Journalistic Investigations of Tajikistan Said Haydar before giving the question, presented the Certificate to Olimzoda. In a survey conducted by this center, the Ministry became the best ministry, and Olimzoda was recognized as Year’s Minister.

Then Haydar asked about the status of patients with diabetes and the growing number of medical scientists.

Olimzoda said that 46,258 patients with diabetes are currently registered in the country, of which 56% are women and 77 are insulin-dependent.

Avesto news agency journalist Abdurahmon Rahmonov asked about coronavirus infection, the situation of Tajik citizens in Chinese Wuhan, and people returning from China.

It was reported that 645 people, who have returned from China to Tajikistan, including 47 Chinese citizens, are under quarantine.

It was noted that the issue of returning the remaining Tajik citizens from China is under the direct control of President Emomali Rahmon.

It was also stated that no cases of coronavirus have yet been registered among that people. The Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population takes all necessary measures to ensure sanitary and epidemiological safety.

It was said that at present, health workers and epidemiologists are working around the clock at 27 large and small checkpoints operating on the border with neighboring countries. Additionally, Dushanbe and Khujand international airports are equipped with necessary equipment such as thermal imagers and thermal scanners, which are used on every person entering Tajikistan.

While giving the question about the problems of the Center for Maternal and Child Health in Devashtich district, a correspondent of Jumhuriyat newspaper Buzurgmehr Bahodur proposed to create a new specialty at the Tajik State Medical University named after Abuali ibn Sino.

Journalists also asked about paid services, tuberculosis, maternity hospital services, HIV / AIDS prevention and received answers.

In general, journalists expressed their satisfaction with the press conference of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population.

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