Appeal of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population of Tajikistan to Country’s Citizens

Appeal of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population of Tajikistan to Country’s Citizens
March 05
12:59 2020

The Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population of Tajikistan, in connection with the prevailing news and rumors on the Internet and social networks, informs the country’s citizens that, fortunately, to date no cases of coronavirus have been registered in the country, but its preventive measures are increasing every day.

Therefore, preventive measures on this infection should not overwhelm the country’s citizens.

It should be noted that only the measures taken, including refraining from participating in international Olympiads, traveling to countries where the virus is registered, temporarily refraining from collective prayers in mosques with the exception of funeral prayers and temporary banning of public events, will be implemented in Tajikistan to prevent coronavirus.

Also, the Ministry calls on the country’s mass media to publish only official and verified information on this sensitive issue and provide accurate information to the country’s citizens.

It seems that a group of people is interested in publishing any false and unfounded news on the Internet that coronavirus infection is allegedly registered in Tajikistan and therefore wants to stun people.

In order to prevent this disease, it is recommended that every person should follow a personal hygiene and wash their hands often with soap and disinfectants. Consume more fruits and vegetables to boost your immunity. Also, in crowded places, people should refrain from walking or otherwise wear a mask. Additionally, refrain from shaking hand, hugging and kissing each other.

It should be noted that currently, citizens who arrive from 5 countries, including China, South Korea, Italy, Afghanistan and Iran, will be quarantined.

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