Preparations for Preventing a Possible Coronavirus Outbreak Are Intensifying

Preparations for Preventing a Possible Coronavirus Outbreak Are Intensifying
March 28
11:14 2020

The regular meeting of the ministry’s staff on coronavirus prevention and taking strict measures to prevent its spread to the country was held on March 26 under the chairmanship of the First Deputy Minister of Health and Social Protection of the Population of Tajikistan Saida Umarzoda.

The meeting was attended by the Deputies Minister of Health and Social Protection of the Population Mirhamuddin Kamolzoda, Shodikhon Jamshed, chiefs and heads of a number of health care institutions and departments.

The meeting focused on the preparation of medical facilities for possible coronavirus outbreaks, including hospitalization and treatment of infected people, in case of infection the provision of intensive care units with needed equipments, relation with infected people, the provision of medical facilities with equipment and devices for prevention, and the increase of the professionalism of medical specialists in case of quarantine declaration in the country, contribution of family doctors in this case and other related issues .

Saida Umarzoda instructed that in case of quarantine declaration in the country, a group of volunteers should be established and carry out explanatory work among the population.

The centers for healthy lifestyles and the ministry’s press center were tasked to create a group of volunteers and mobilize them to carry out outreach work among the population.

It was noted that despite the fact that there is still no coronavirus infection in Tajikistan, but medical facilities should be fully prepared for hospitalization and treatment of infected people in the event of a possible outbreak of infection.

During the meeting, the heads of health care facilities reported on the progress of preparations for the prevention of coronavirus transmission, including the storage of medical supplies, the creation of favorable conditions and opportunities for quarantined citizens and other issues.

The specific instructions were given responsible persons to further strengthen the preparatory work and take strict measures to prevent coronavirus spread in the country, as well as other related issues.

It should be noted that in the framework of cooperation between the Tajik and Russian governments, on March 25, the Federal Service for Consumer Protection of Russia “Rospotrebnadzor” provided the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population with 20 thousand emergency tests for coronavirus identifying.

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