President Emomali Rahmon Had a Telephone Conversation with the Russian President Vladimir Putin

President Emomali Rahmon Had a Telephone Conversation with the Russian President Vladimir Putin
April 18
06:28 2020

The Founder of Peace and National Unity, Leader of the Nation, President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon held a telephone conversation with the Russian President Vladimir Putin.

President Emomali Rahmon expressed his sincere gratitude for the received humanitarian assistance aimed at preventing the spread of the coronavirus pandemic.

“At this difficult time, as always, we must stick together,” said President Emomali Rahmon emphasizing the importance of further joint measures to provide prompt mutual assistance. In this context, the parties exchanged information on measures taken to combat this infection.

He also praised Russia’s timely effort in preventing the further spread of the coronavirus, noting the courage of Russian doctors who are at the forefront of the fight against the pandemic within the country and beyond.

In addition, the leaders spoke about a number of current issues on the bilateral agenda in the spirit of strategic partnership.

President of Tajikistan noted the dynamics of steady rise of trade volumes between the two countries over the past year and first quarter of 2020 and emphasized the importance of maintaining this positive trend in the future.

While discussing the implementation of cultural and humanitarian joint projects as well as migration issues, the head of state positively assessed the measures taken by the Russian side to provide migrant workers with an opportunity to extend their stay in Russia.

The counterparts also discussed the main aspects related to the regional and international agenda and emphasized the importance of further strengthening security collaboration.

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