Working Group Led by Deputy PM Ismatullozoda Left for GBAO to Inspect Social Spheres

July 03
15:41 2020

Yesterday, per President Emomali Rahmon’s instructions, the working group led by the Deputy Prime Minister Shirin Ismatullozoda left for the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region (GBAO).

The group will inspect the areas of education, health care and social protection of the population, analyze the real state of prevention and treatment of the COVID-19 and carry out explanatory work on this basis.

The group will also consider a number of issues, meet with the population, inspect the sanitary and epidemiological situation, and inspect the readiness of educational institutions for the new school year, provision of students with school uniforms, provision of healthcare facilities with beds, medicines, necessary equipment and supplies for public health services.

Additionally, the group will familiarize itself with the progress of construction and improvement work, as well as the preparation of educational and health institutions in the region for the winter season.

The working trip began from Darvoz and Vanj, and will continue for several days in Rushon, Roshtkala, Ishkoshim, Murghob and Khoro

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