TERMS of REFERENCES (TOR) Production of information and educational videos for Karavan Zdoroviya (Health Karavan) in the Republic of Tadjikistan (CQS RT 2.2)

August 13
10:12 2020


The Karavan Zdoroviya (“Health Caravan (Republic of Tajikistan)” project (Project -hereinafter) is financed from the funds of the Eurasian Fund for Stabilization and Development on the basis of the Agreement between the Republic of Tajikistan and the Eurasian Development Bank acting in its capacity of the EFSD Resources Manager. Main Project objective: Improvement of early detection and prevention of diseases in rural and hard to access area. Assessment of the COronaVIrus Disease 2019 consequences and order patients to treatment or rehabilitation therapy.

Project tasks:

  • priority provision of medical and diagnostic assistance to the most socially vulnerable segments of the population on a free basis;
  • bringing comprehensive medical services closer to the population;
  • early diagnosis of diseases and timely start of their treatment, which will ultimately reduce mortality from these diseases.

The project provides for the creation of a series of preventive videos to be broadcast on Board mobile complexes Karavan Zdoroviya (Health Karavan).


 This TOR was prepared to provide services for the production of information and educational videos on medical topics for use in the implementation of the Project.

3.            SCOPE OF SERVICES

3.1. As part of the TOR, the scope of the services provided by the Consultant includes the production of a series of information educational videos. The total number of videos is 40, of which 20 ones are in Russian and 20 ones are in Tajik.3.2. Target audience: patients of the Project.3.3. The purpose of the videos is to inform patients about diseases typical for the population of the Republic of Tadjikistan, the need for their diagnosis, prevention and timely treatment in a very accessible form.

3.4. Method of use: broadcast on board of mobile medical and diagnostic complexes within the framework of the Project.

3.5. Basic requirements for videos:

3.5.1. Video genre: informational. Information presentation style: presentation, informational.

3.5.2. Timing of each video: not less than 1:30 and not more than 3:00 minutes.

3.5.3. Video type: animation and infographics. The video should not contain sexual scenes and scenes of violence, not show scenes of smoking, close-ups of taking blood with a syringe from a vein, and other similar frames.

3.5.4. The video Clip shall be made without violating the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan. In case of violation of the law, the fault lies with the Consultant, the video is redone at the expense of the Consultant.

3.5.5. Necessary content: information and educational stories that must contain the following semantic blocks:

  1. Name of the disease
  2. Clinical manifestations
  3. Causes of the disease (non-infectious) or path of infection (infectious)
  4. Diagnosis and treatment
  5. Risk factors and prevention

3.5.6. Video topics:1. COVID-19;2. HIV / AIDS;3. Hepatitis A, B, C;4. STDs: syphilis, gonorrhea;5. Tuberculosis;6. COPD;7. Oncology: mammary gland;8. Heart attack;9. Stroke;10. Hypertension;11. Diabetes mellitus;12. Glaucoma;13. Cataract;14. Diseases of the thyroid gland;15. Cholecystitis;16. Chronic diarrhea (Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis);17. Gastrointestinal tract: Ulcer;18. Reproductive health and methods of modern contraception;19. The importance of medical examination;20. The importance of vaccine prevention

3.6. The scripts are prepared by the Consultant. Translation of scripts into Tajik is provided by the Consultant.

Required elements:

– elements of identification (packshot) agreed with the Customer;

– dubbing (announcer’s voice – adult female and / or male);

– the language of the voiceover of the video: Russian and Tajik;

– the presence of background music.

3.7.     Output video format:

  • File Type:  MPEG-4;
  • Video Codec: H.264;
  • Frame Size -2К 16:9;
  • Frame Rate 25. Fps;
  • Bitrate от 6000 до 10000
  • Audio 48000 Hz- 24bit – Stereo

4.1. The Consultant shall have experience not less than 3 years.

4.2. The Consultant shall have the following key specialists:

4.2.1. Director (coordinator) – experience of similar work not less than 3 years. Film / art education – higher education / diploma of advanced training, state/non-state, certificate of completion of courses. Participation in international and Russian competitions and festivals, which can be confirmed by certificates of participation. Full name/ pseudonym must be mentioned in the titles, credits of at least 10 works.

4.2.2. Screenwriter-at least 3 years of experience in such work. Film / art education – higher education / diploma of advanced training, state/non-state, certificate of completion of courses. Name/ pseudonym must be mentioned in the credits, credits not less than 10 works.

4.2.3. Producer-at least 1 year of experience in such work. Producer – at least 1 year of experience in this work. Availability of professional training – higher / advanced training diploma, state / non-state, certificate of completion of the relevant courses.

4.3. The Consultant must have an active website or social media profile that provides information about the Consultant’s services and implemented projects.

4.4. The Consultant must have a portfolio of at least 10 completed projects, at least 3 of which are medical and / or social.

4.5. The Consultant must have experience in implementing international projects and / or creating products for countries in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia region.

4.6. The Consultant must have an account and transfer access to view their completed projects on sites such as VIMEO and / or YouTube, or provide a showreel.


5.1. Place of rendering services: at the location of the Consultant.

5.2. The term for the provision of services: within 120 days from the date of entry into force of the contract. The contract execution period begins, tentatively, October 01, 2020 and continues until January 20, 2021.

5.3. Prior to the start of video production, the Consultant discusses with the Customer the general concept of the video series by e-mail (stepan.kanakin@gmail.com) or in person at the Customer’s office.

5.4. Scripts are sent to the Customer for approval within twenty working days from the date of approval of the concept of the video series by email in text format. The Customer prepares edits to the scenarios and sends them no later than 3 business days after receiving them. The script for each video clip must contain a description of the frames, including the timing.

5.5. After receiving comments on the scripts, the Consultant is obliged to redo the scripts within five working days and send them to the Customer for approval again. Upon approval by the Customer of the General concept of a series of videos and a series of scripts, the Customer and the Consultant sign the Act of services rendered.

5.6. Upon completion of production, before the transfer of the videos, the Consultant sends their latest versions by email (stepan.kanakin@gmail.com) to the Customer for approval, who approves the videos by a simple email (stepan.kanakin@gmail.com) within one working day.

5.7. If there are complaints about the quality of the produced videos, the Customer, together with the Consultant, makes a reasoned two-sided report-a claim with a list of specific comments. The act is signed by two parties in two copies at the Customer’s office. The Consultant shall correct the comments specified in the act within 5 days from the date of signing the act. The 5-day condition does not apply to corrections of computer graphics, the period for possible correction of which is set in the act.

5.8. if there are no complaints about the quality of the produced videos (as well as if the Consultant corrects the comments in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the claim report) The consultant sends the Customer an electronic link to the final versions of the video series in email, and the Customer and the Consultant sign the final Act of services rendered in two copies at the Customer’s office.

  1. Resources provided by the Customer.

6.1. The Customer sends the Consultant all the information necessary for writing the script, determines the topics and General content of the videos, and organizes meetings with specialists whose advice is necessary for creating the videos

6.2. The Customer shall send the Consultant the information necessary to create infographic videos.

6.3. The Customer provides the Consultant, if necessary, comments on the contents of the project.

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