Seminar For Medical Workers On Disability Issues

Seminar For Medical Workers On Disability Issues
December 25
10:47 2020

On December 22, a seminar for medical workers on disability issues was held at the Atlas Hotel in Dushanbe on the topic “Access to reproductive health for people with disabilities: barriers and prospects”.

The seminar was attended by Deputy Minister of Health and Social Protection of the Population Zulfiya Abdusamatzoda, Chairman of the public organization of women with disabilities “Ishtirok” Saida Inoyatova, Director of the National Center for Reproductive Health Munira Ganizoda, heads of reproductive health centers in cities and districts, as well as representatives of public organizations.

Abdusamatzoda noted that the main goal of the event is to raise awareness of health workers about the rights and reproductive health of people with disabilities, provide services to such people and tolerate people with disabilities.

It was noted that the Government of Tajikistan pays special attention to the most vulnerable groups of society, including the disabled, and has created all favorable conditions and opportunities for their work and activities.

In continuation of seminar, a number of participants spoke on various aspects of the topic.

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