Egypt: Minister Jamоliddin Abdullozoda Attends the WHO Tripartite Regional Meeting

Egypt: Minister Jamоliddin Abdullozoda Attends the WHO Tripartite Regional Meeting
March 26
11:07 2023

On March 16-17, the delegation of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Tajikistan led by Minister Jamoliddin Abdullozoda took part at the high-level tripartite regional meeting of the World Health Organization on health and migration issues, which was held in the Egyptian Sharm El Sheikh.

The meeting was attended by the heads of ministries related to health and immigration from member states of the European, Eastern Mediterranean and North African regions of the World Health Organization.

It is worth noting that day by day the health issue of migrants has become one of the pressing issues of the modern world.

Not only countries of origin, but also countries of transition and reception are faced with comprehensive problems.

During the meeting, the member states adopted the concept of strengthening the health of migrants and eliminating the possible consequences of migration for public health, and undertook to do the necessary work in this direction.

Abdullozoda also held bilateral meetings with the Regional Directors of the European region (Dr. Hans Kluge) and the Eastern Mediterranean (Mr. Ahmed Al Mandari).

During the meetings, with the aim of developing interregional cooperation, Abdullozoda made a number of useful proposals, including those related to increasing the level of knowledge of medical specialists through the mutual participation of specialists in interregional training programs and establishing a pharmaceutical industry.

Also, at the meeting with the Deputy Minister of Health of the Kingdom of Bahrain, Dr. WalidKhalifa Al Mania, the issues of studying the experience of the Kingdom in the implementation of health care financing reforms, including the introduction of mandatory medical insurance and the establishment of an exchange of experience of Tajik specialists in the Kingdom of Bahrain, were discussed.

During the meeting with the head of the Permanent Mission of the World Health Organization in Egypt, it was emphasized that due to the advanced experience of Egypt in the field of medicine, including its production and quality control, the elimination of hepatitis C virus disease, which despite the invention of a special antiviral drug has become possible, it would be good to revive cooperation in this direction.

Following the meeting with the Secretariat of the Minister of Health of the Egypt, it was agreed that a joint working group should be established by the parties and its activities would be conducted through the first virtual meeting of experts in the second half of April 2023.

In general, participation in this high-level meeting and meetings with representatives of the health ministries of the above-mentioned countries will give a new impetus to the expansion of foreign cooperation of the ministry in the direction of the development and progress of the country’s health sector.


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