A joint explanation official meeting of the 8th year of the realization of “Health National Strategy of the population of RT for 2010-2020” (Summit-8, 2018)

A joint explanation official meeting  of the 8th year of the realization of “Health  National   Strategy of the population of RT for 2010-2020” (Summit-8, 2018)
November 07
07:42 2018

On November 2, the current year in Dushanbe city at the State Complex “Dushanbe-Plaza Complex”  a joint explanation official meeting   of the 8th year of the realization of “Health  National   Strategy of the population of RT for 2010-2020” was held with participation the high officials of the Government of RT, representatives of the Majlisi Namoyandagoni  of Majlisi Olii RT,  the leadership of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of population of Tajikistan, the leaders of all interested ministries and agencies and republican substructures of the Ministry of Healthcare and Social Protection of population, representative of the  World Health Organization (WHO) in Tajikistan, partners for development,  non-state organizations and mass media.

Achievements and barriers of realization of the “Health  National  Strategy of the population of RT for 2010-2020” and contribution of the partners for development have been considered during the summit.

The professional song of Doctors was performed at the beginning of the summit and following it Nasim Olimzoda,  the Minister of Health and Social Protection of the population of RT made a keynote speech and welcomed the participants and the guests of the summit.

The congratulation words were handed over to Khairinisso Usufi, Chairman Deputy of the Majlisi Namoyandagoni Majlisi Olii RT  and Azim Ibrohim, the Deputy  Prime Minister of the country.

During his speech, Azim Ibrohim, the Deputy Prime Minister of the country noted that with the aim to implement all instructions and orders of the Founder of the Peace and National Unity, the Leader of the Nation, President of the country Emomali Rakhmon related to enhancement of the  level of the medical and sanitation (hygienic) service to  population in the framework of the realization of the national strategies and programs the Government of RT takes concrete steps to prevent, diagnose and cure  non-epidemic diseases, such as  heart diseases, cancer, congenital invalids, diabetes,  and especially HIV sufferers and tuberculosis  and makes every effort to their effectiveness and timely realization.

At the summit Igor Pokanevich, the Representative Leader of the World Health Organization in Tajikistan also made a speech and he expressed that concrete works were made in collaboration with Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Tajikistan in the framework of  the “Health  National   Strategy of the population of RT for 2010-2020” and this cooperation will be  continued from now on.

Saida Umarova, the First Deputy Minister of Health and Social Protection of population of the country made a speech on achievements of country’s healthcare system in 2010-2018 period, and realization of the “Health  National   Strategy of the population of RT for 2010-2020”.

In fact, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the population of the country in 2018 completed certain works to create favorable infrastructure  in healthcare and social protection field to provide population with effective, timely and modern  high medical professional services.

Improvement the medical services, development of the pharmaceutical field taking into account the achievements of the modern science and state-of-the-art technology, organization of the new methods of protection, examination and treatment, implementation of sectoral programs, to explore and undertake measures related to services to disabled people and their rehabilitation, improvement of the  healthcare system ant its affiliates, and  medical staff personnel, computerization of the various medical service directions to population in the medical facilities and others are one of the issues completed  in this field.

It should be noted that one of the paramount directions of the activity of the Ministry of Healthcare is considered  to improve and develop the first medical sanitarian aid based on family doctors. In general now the number of trained family doctors in the first medical sanitarian aid within country is 4334 (81,2% requirement is 5333 people) and middle-level  family doctors is 8077 people (75,7 % annual requirement is 10,667 people).

A Memorandum of understanding  was inked to organize the international cooperation in the process of the development of the family doctors with specialized medical facilities in the Russian Federation, the Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania Republics and  the negotiations with World Family Medicine Organization (WONCA) and Great Britain  Family Medical College is going on. More than 50 projects have been made up on improvement the level and quality of medical services.

In 2018 the concrete measures were taken on implementation of the state social policy in the direction of the social protection of population, especially disabled,  veterans of WWII and people related to them, orphans and waifs and poor families.

Taking into account the importance of production, giving priorities to use local herbs properly, the process of making up and discussing of clinical instructions are being continued and  were approved in the direction of prevention, examination and treatment of eye sickness, heart and vessels, infectious diseases,  morbidities connected with nerves and  toxicology.

In the process of the prevention from dire consequences  of consanguineous marriages, prevention of inborn disabled children, and reduce morbidity and physical disability  2827 women were undergone a medical examination at the State Enterprise “Medical-Genetic Republican Center” during the nine months of the current year.

To provide the needy people with orthopedic and prosthetic means during 9 months of the current year 511 different wheelchair ramps, 196 canes, 227 walking sticks for the blind, 136 pair of crutches,  40 hearing aids for the needy have been achieved.

To attract the specialists “The Health Caravan” has been  organized and sent to Kulob, Bokhtar cities, (Khatlon province), and also Rasht district.

Alongside with examination and treatment and recommendation of specialists the working group held talks and meetings with the population under the motto of “Undergo the examination of HIV AIDS  and be aware of his/her health”.

In conclusion of the joint explanation official meeting   of the 8th year of the realization of “Health  National   Strategy of the population of RT for 2010-2020” a resolution was adopted.


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