The President’s Annual Address to Parliament was discussed at the State Agency for the Social Protection of Population

The President’s Annual Address to Parliament was discussed at the State Agency for the Social Protection of Population
December 31
16:39 2018

On December 31, at the State Agency for the Social Protection of Population on the margin of the President’s Annual Address to Parliament of the country a working meeting with participation of the Deputy Minister of Health and Social Protection of Population of the country Shodikhon Jamshed was held. At the beginning Abdulhakim Kholzoda, the Head of the State Agency for the Social Protection of Population welcomed Deputy Minister Shodikhon Jamshed for his participation in this event and handed a word over to  him.

In his turn Shodikhon Jamshed congratulated the workers of the aforementioned Agency on the upcoming the New Year and wished them wellbeing and success. During his speech he noted: “As you know on December 26, the Annual Address of the Founder of Peace and National Unity-Leader of the Nation, President of the country Emomali Rakhmon to the Majlisi Oli of the country was delivered covering the main directions of the domestic and foreign policy of the country. In his address Head of State Emomali Rakhmon determined the main trends of the domestic and foreign policy of the country for future periods, and set concrete tasks on development of the foreign policy and to ensure the development of the fields such as economy, industry, energy, roads and transport, communication, security, healthcare, culture, science and education, youth, sport and tourism.

During delivering his address the Head of State noted that 2018 in fact was very unforgettable and memorable for the noble people of Tajikistan, because the most important events were occurred this year. To be supported the initiatives of the Republic of Tajikistan on water issues by the UN, to put into operation the first Unit of the Rogun hydroelectric power station, and the new close cooperation of the Republic of Tajikistan with the Republic of Uzbekistan were considered to be the three great achievements in 2018.

Also 2019-2021 were declared as “The Years of development of villages, tourism and folk crafts”.

At the end of the meeting the workers of the State Agency for the Social Protection of Population were given the gifts on the occasion of New Year.

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