Carrying out circumcision procedure at home condition is prohibited

February 04
14:41 2019

To prevent children from infectious diseases and protect the mental health of them, henceforth carrying out the rite of circumcision at home condition is prohibited. This procedure should be carried out in the special rooms under the guidance of professional surgeons using medical devices.

This decision was announced by the Founder of Peace and National Unity-Leader of the Nation, the President of the country Emomali Rakhmon during his meeting with teachers and students of the Tajik State Medical University, as well as workers of the health care system on September 1, 2018, on the occasion of the Day of Knowledge and the beginning of the new school year.

We will recall, that in 2017, the amendments and proposals to the country’s Law “On the regulation of traditions and celebrations in the Republic of Tajikistan” were amended, which the Article 9 of this law reads, “The rite of circumcision is carried out with the consent of the parents until the day after the birth of the son in the medical institutions.”According to this law, further the rite of circumcision will be carried out among the family and without any celebrations. Circumcision will be carried out cost-free until the twentieth day after the birth of the son in the relevant medical institutions.

Today, the special rooms for circumcision procedure are organized in the primary health care facilities of cities and regions of the country. The special rooms are equipped with a sufficient number of medicines and medical equipment for this rite.

It should be noted, that  this initiative is aimed at improving the living standard of population, prevention from infectious diseases among children, the regulation the legal framework and implemention the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan “On the regulation of traditions and celebrations in the Republic of Tajikistan” of August 28, 2017.

It is worth noting now in the country more than 80,330 children have been circumcised free of charge.


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