Discussion of Issue Related to Targeted Social Benefits for Poor Families

Discussion of Issue Related to Targeted Social Benefits for Poor Families
September 25
13:05 2020

In the short period of the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Tajik state and the government are taking the necessary measures to prevent and combat this plague, and the central and local executive bodies are taking appropriate measures to implement them.

One of the most important issues of this period is the support of vulnerable groups. In this regard, the Presidential Decree “On the prevention of the impact of COVID-19 on the socio-economic spheres of Tajikistan” and the relevant governmental resolution on measures to implement this decree have been adopted and published. According to these documents, the vulnerable groups, including participants of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, citizens receiving social pensions, the disabled, orphans, poor families, homeless families of labor migrants will be provided with one-time assistance in the amount of the minimum wage from the state and extra-budgetary budget reserve funds.

At present, the most important issue is the timely compilation of lists of vulnerable groups, especially poor families, and in this regard, an important role is assigned to local authorities and the State Agency for Social Protection of the Population.

Therefore, the Ministry, as the coordinating and leading body of social protection policy, closely monitors the implementation of these resolution and decree and on weekdays at 17:00 by conducting a live video conference with the participation of heads of regional departments, heads of social protection departments of the cities and districts and regional centers for the administration of the program of targeted social assistance carries out its operational control.

Yesterday, the next video conference of the ministry’s leadership was held with the officials of the social protection spheres. The meeting was chaired by the Deputy Minister Shodikhon Jamshed.

He especially mentioned the implementation of the Governmental Resolution “On the introduction of a mechanism for the appointment and payment of targeted social benefits in Tajikistan” and Governmental Resolution “On the prevention of the impact of COVID-19 on the socio-economic spheres of Tajikistan” and gave specific instructions to officials to accelerate the implementation of these two decisions.

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