Discussion of Issues Relating to the Child’s Early Development

Discussion of Issues Relating to the Child’s Early Development
December 04
08:37 2019

A consultative meeting initiated by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Tajikistan in collaboration with UNICEF Office was held today, December 2, at the Hilton Hotel in Dushanbe.

The meeting was aimed to implement the rights of the child at an early age, strengthen the system as well as expand the family’s rights and opportunities in order to promote, in particular on the first 1,000 days of child’s early development, where government and public organizations invited to discuss relevant issues.

The meeting was attended by First Deputy Minister of of Health and Social Protection of the Population Saida Umarzoda, field’s specialists and experts, as well as representatives of development partners.

Prior to the meeting, an exhibition of instruction, photographs and materials published in the field was held.

At the exhibition, organizations and enterprises presented their products on child’s early development and other aspects of the industry.

While opening the meeting, Mrs. Umarzoda briefly outlined the goals and objectives of the event and other aspects of the theme.

During the meeting, the field’s experts made reports and provided information on various aspects of the sphere.

Also, during the meeting, a discussion took place between meeting’s speakers and participants.

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