Discussion of the Pediatric Dentistry’s State

Discussion of the Pediatric Dentistry’s State
June 04
07:56 2019

In order to analyze and discuss the state of pediatric dentistry in the country, as well as in honor of World Children’s Day, which is marked annually around the world on June 1, there was held a working meeting of relevant officials of the sphere under the guidance of the First Deputy Minister of Health and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Tajikistan Saida Umarzoda.

During the event, it was noted that pediatric dentistry is one of the sections with the accelerated development of general dentistry and its functioning is primarily aimed at ensuring sustainable dental care for children and adolescents.

The analysis shows that in the republic as a whole there are 5 children’s dental structures, including a children’s department in public institutions of the Scientific-Clinical Institute of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery, a Department of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery in the National Medical Center “Shifobakhsh” with 20 beds, 2 children’s dentistry in Dushanbe, 1 children’s dentistry in Sughd region (Khujand city), 2 children’s dentistry in the districts of republican subordination, 4-offices of children’s dentistry in Khatlon region and 1 office of pediatric dentistry in Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous region (GBAO).

It should be noted that the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery functions at the state educational institution Tajik State Medical University named after Abuali Ibni Sino on the basis of the state institution National Medical Center “Shifobakhsh”, in which 8 clinical residents are currently studying. Both undergraduate and postgraduate educations are conducted at this Department. The department has 10 teachers, 4 of whom are candidates of medical sciences.

According to statistics of the State Institutions “Republican Center for Statistics and Medical Information”, currently there are in the country 134 children’s dentists, including 11 doctors-orthodontists. Of their total number, 58.9% work in Dushanbe, 11.2% in Khatlon region, 20.1% in Sughd region, 8.2% in the districts of republican subordination and 1.5% in GBAO.

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