Do Not Ignore the Efforts of Doctors!

Do Not Ignore the Efforts of Doctors!
April 29
13:33 2020

Recently, despite the efforts of the leadership and employees of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population of Tajikistan to prevent and eradicate the global coronavirus pandemic, unhealthy forces sharpen their bloody teeth and blame the relevant structures for incompetence and in not making timely and effective decisions, throwing stones at those who day and night away from their loved ones is trying for the health and treatment of citizens.

A permanent commission has been established on January 23 at the ministry in order to prevent coronavirus spread into the country, as well as an action plan, which was sent to all medical and preventive institutions of cities and districts, was developed and approved. Since first days, this commission with urgent and effective decisions on measures to prevent coronavirus spread has carried out round-the-clock monitoring of diagnosis and treatment of possible infections of this disease.

Undoubtedly, doctors have always been at the forefront of the fight against this plague of the century, and naturally, in such cases, of course, they will be the ones who will fight for life and death. WHO statistics show that in the fight against COVID-19 around the world, health workers have become more infected and deader. Also, thousands of doctors, nurses and, in general, hospital staffs are infected with the virus at any time, and the number of victims is growing at the expense of medical staff.

Why is this burden on doctors? The answer is very simple and obvious: namely they are at the center of the plague. Therefore, naturally, health workers are in direct contact with patients, and that’s why, they not only become infected through this contact, but also carry the virus in very large amounts into their body.

Given such self-sacrifice, accusing doctors of inaction would no doubt be extremely unfair and unfaithful. It is blind and ignorant to ignore this heroism…

According to statistics of sectoral organizations and expert groups, to date, more than three million infected people have been registered in more than 200 countries, and 200,000 of them have died, a third of which is doctors.

Tajikistan, as an integral part of the world community, is no exception. As it is known, pneumonia has been on the rise in the country recently. Regarding the current situation, the ministry has instructed all medical staff to quarantine all cases of acute respiratory diseases (ARI) and influenza, and if pneumonia and respiratory diseases are detected, they should be immediately covered by antiviral and antibacterial therapy. That is why country’s doctors, nurses and hospital staff are at the forefront of the fight against these diseases.

According to the Director of the City Hospital No. 1 Khurshed Rustamzoda, to date, 319 people with suspected pneumonia have been hospitalized in this hospital, 136 of whom are medical workers. Yesterday, 107 people returned to their normal and peaceful lives after full treatment, and another 30 people are preparing for leave. It is unfortunate that 11 people were died and 8 patients are currently in the intensive care unit.

Acording to the Ministry’s Public Health Laboratory, 46,900 tests have been delivered to Tajikistan so far, including 23,000 from Russia, 22,000 from China and 1,900 from Germany. To date, 4,100 tests have been used in this laboratory, 800 of them were repeated.

According to deputy minister Mirhamuddin Kamolzoda, in addition to laboratory tests for coronavirus infections, citizens who show signs of pneumonia are being tested. In this case, X-rays, computed tomography, general analysis of blood and sputum are also considered. All the tests have been tested by the WHO and have a quality certificate.

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