Gala Event to Celebrate National Unity Day

Gala Event to Celebrate National Unity Day
June 28
10:17 2019

This year, the celebration of the National Unity Day is being held in the Rasht region. On June 26, the Founder of Peace and National Unity, Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon, attended in gala event celebrating National Unity Day which took place at the Central stadium of Rasht.

In his delivered address, President Emomali Rahmon congratulated the people of Tajikistan, compatriots living abroad, and the residents of Rasht, wishing all Tajiks well-being, happiness, and success in strengthening peace, tranquility, political stability, unity and mutual understanding, which he called the basis of prosperity and progress of the whole nation.

Recalling the history of the period after independence, President Emomali Rahmon noted that the General Agreement on the Establishment of Peace and National Unity which was signed on June 27, 1997 was an important step which helped to arrive at mutual understanding, unity and facilitated in creating the necessary conditions for a quiet and peaceful life of Tajiks.

Restoring the constitutional order, rule of law and security, reestablishing the paralyzed foundations of all the branches of the state, and renovating the damaged infrastructure were among the first measures taken by the government to strengthen the state and the nation.

As a result of the continual support of the government and the selfless labor of the residents, the Rasht region has undergone lots of changes. Approximately 860 million somoni has been spent for the construction and renovation of various facilities.

President Emomali Rahmon noted that the government will continue to take measures to improve every corner of Tajikistan, including the Rasht region. In closing, he thanked the residents of Rasht for their efforts and their support of state policies.

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