Health Minister Expresses View on Reducing COVID-19 Disease Intensity

Health Minister Expresses View on Reducing COVID-19 Disease Intensity
January 15
09:30 2021

Earlier the Minister of Health and Social Protection of the Population of Tajikistan Jamoliddin Abdullozoda told Khovar that the COVID-19 infection in Tajikistan could be reduced in 2021 and could already disappear at the beginning of summer. Khovar talked with Abdullozoda in this regard, where he commented on the factors that are gradually reducing infection with the new virus.

– Despite the fact that the incidence rate of citizens in most countries of the world causes stagnation, it is in the process of taking important preventive measures by the state and the government of Tajikistan in the past few days that the incidence rate of citizens with the new coronavirus has been significantly reduced.

According to field experts, fear and panic about the disease is one of the causes of death from the new coronavirus COVID-19.

Unfortunately, even from the moment when the facts of infection with COVID-19 were recorded in China and other neighboring countries, sensational news and rumors were spread among the population of Tajikistan, fear was largely sown in the souls of the country’s inhabitants.

Despite the developed situation, President Emomali Rahmon personally visited a number of cities and districts, where he met with the population and held free talks. In such an alarming situation created by the new COVID-19 in the region and the world, during his working trips Rahmon was able to explain to people that the disease around which alarmists are fanning fear is not so terrible.

Fortunately, 8 months after the registration of the COVID-19 in Tajikistan, for the first time on December 31, 2020, not a single case of infection of citizens with the coronavirus was registered in the country.

Also, on December 30, 2020, the last infected with COVID-19, who was treated in a hospital, was discharged home after recovery, and until January 11 no COVID-19 infected is in country’s hospitals.

If one of the main factors of the late registration of COVID-19 in Tajikistan in comparison with neighboring countries is timely preventive measures, especially quarantine coverage of citizens arriving from foreign countries, then another factor that caused the decrease in the number of infected is the decision of the Republican COVID-19 Prevention Commission on a ban on holding all types of celebrations, including the organization of a New Year tree, mass cultural events, anniversaries, holidays, other mass events on the occasion of the New Year 2021 and other Commission’s relevant decisions.

In this context, starting from May 2020, meetings of the Commission of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population are held online three times daily – at 17:00, 00:00 and 08:00 with the participation of minister, deputies minister, as well as heads of health departments of Dushanbe, GBAO, Sughd and Khatlon regions, heads of medical institutions in cities and districts.

The meetings of the ministry’s Commission, first of all, focus on issues of house-to-house visits, identification and examination of patients suspected of being infected with COVID-19.

In particular, the heads of health departments and heads of hospitals in the settlements have assigned family doctors who carry out house-to-house visits and diagnose people with symptoms of COVID-19. Thus, people with mild symptoms of the disease are prescribed home treatment, and patients with severe forms are hospitalized.

Also, the heads of departments and heads of health care institutions of regions, cities and districts submit reports to the ministry’s leadership at the Commission’s meeting on the results of the house-to-house visits, including how many patients were identified on suspicion of infection, how many people were discharged after recovery.

Additionally, in accordance with the order of the ministry’s leadership, the heads of health care institutions provide a list of citizens with symptoms of COVID-19, who are registered by family doctors, with names, addresses and mobile phone numbers.

In order to get acquainted with the state of registered patients, on behalf of the Minister of Health, a special group contacts them daily, inquires about the state of health and services of doctors. In turn, if a patient complains about medical services, his name and address are recorded and provided to the ministry’s leadership. At the Commission’s meeting, the head of the health care institution of the city or district at the address of residence of the complainant is instructed to inquire about the state of the citizen and provide information to the ministry about the results.

This method of work contributed not only to the timely detection and coverage of those infected with COVID-19, but also made it possible to quickly reduce the intensity of the disease in Tajikistan several times.

Also, in order to directly familiarize themselves with the activities of the country’s health care institutions during the period of the spread of COVID-19, the ministry’s leadership organized night and day rounds.

During their visits, the minister and deputies minister, heads of departments and other responsible officials of the ministry inspected health care institutions, got acquainted with the state of service. During the visits, the ministry’s leadership personally called patients registered in medical centers and receiving treatment at home, and inquired about their state of health.

In fact, these steps by the ministry’s leadership contributed to strict control and coverage of treatment for patients with COVID-19.

During this period, health centers of cities and districts, especially health centers in Dushanbe, switched to round-the-clock work. Also, during this period, helplines were created in the country’s health centers, and medical care is provided to those who applied.

Indeed, in such a difficult period, the health centers carried out significant work, and the citizens were provided with timely medical care.

It should be noted that in order to combat the COVID-19 and treat those infected, two medical advisory centers of trust of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population were activated under short numbers 311 and 511, which made a significant contribution to informing the population about the prevention and treatment of COVID-19.

It was during this period that thousands of citizens contacted the hotline and received comprehensive answers from specialists in the field.

Currently, doctors are working around the clock at all border checkpoints, where citizens come from abroad. In turn, citizens arriving from abroad to Tajikistan through border checkpoints are subjected to a comprehensive medical examination.

Undoubtedly, COVID-19 is still widespread in several countries around the world.

The ministry will continue its activities in the field of treatment and prevention of COVID-19, the house-to-house visit method, with the holding of Commission’s meetings conduct explanatory work and consistently analyze the situation with the spread of infection in the country.

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