Leader of the Nation: Tajikistan understand the value of peace, stability and absolute necessity for its maintenance and strengthening

Leader of the Nation: Tajikistan understand the value of peace, stability and absolute necessity for its maintenance and strengthening
June 17
09:57 2019

“The growing scale of terrorism, extremism, transnational organized crime, illicit drug trafficking and cybercrime continue posing threat to international and regional security. Countering these threats requires from all member states of the Conference undertaking immediate joint measures,” stated President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon in his speech at the Summit of the Heads of CICA State and Government.

Leader of the nation Emomali Rahmon noted that having experienced civil war in early 1990s, the people of Tajikistan understand the value of peace, stability and absolute necessity for its maintenance and strengthening.

“In the last two years, in close cooperation with the UN and other international partners, Tajikistan hosted two important high-level conferences on strengthening international and regional cooperation in countering these global threats and sources of their financing,” emphasized President Emomali Rahmon.

The Head of state added that the effective resistance to these challenges and threats to security urges implementing a set of measures aimed at improving social lives of our communities, reducing poverty and addressing unemployment.

“We are seriously concerned with the difficult situation in neighboring Afghanistan. Taking effective measures and further coordination of efforts of the international community, including CICA member states in this area can provide tangible solution to the Afghan case,” stressed he.

In this context, facilitation to engagement of Afghanistan into the process of regional integration within the five dimensions of the Conference can play an important role.

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