Meeting of the Government of Tajikistan

Meeting of the Government of Tajikistan
November 04
13:17 2019

Today, the Founder of Peace and National Unity, Leader of the Nation, President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon presided over the session of the government of Tajikistan.

The meeting began with a discussion of the draft law “On the state budget of Tajikistan for 2020” and its forecast income for 2021-2022 and the results of the national economic development for the first nine months of 2019.

President Emomali Rahmon stressed that the total income of the state budget for 2020 is estimated at 26.1 billion somoni, its expenditures 26,4 billion somoni and its deficit is at 0,4% of the GDP growth forecast for the year of 2020 or 349.5 million somoni.

The draft law of Tajikistan “On the State Budget of the Republic of Tajikistan for 2020” gives priority to the social sectors of the country. In 2020 11.7 billion somoni is planned for the expenditures in these areas, which is 44.4% of the total state budget.

The total amount of the state budget revenues for 2021 is expected to reach 28.6 billion and 31 billion somoni in 2022, with the total expenditures estimated at 29.1 billion somoni and 31.5 billion somoni respectively.

President Emomali Rahmon instructed the heads of relevant ministries and government agencies to implement the activities outlined for the state budget in 2020.

Finance Minister Faiziddin Kahhorzoda gave a report on the State Debt Program of the Republic of Tajikistan for 2020 and its indicators for 2021 – 2022.

It was noted that attraction of foreign debt should be carried out in accordance with identified priorities and by ensuring the cost-effectiveness of these funds.

Minister of Economic Development and Trade Nematullo Hikmatullozoda also reported on the development of forecasting of social and economic indicators for 2021 and its main parameters for 2022-2023.

The general plan of Ghafurov Township of the Bobojon Ghafurov district, Sughd Province and the general plan of Shahritus Township – the administrative center of Shahritus district, Khatlon Province were reported by the chairmen of these districts Zarif Naziri and Jabbori Ghaffor.

Head of the Customs Service Khurshed Karimzoda updated the participants on the results of the activities of the Customs Service and on the Medium-Term Program for the Development of Customs for 2020-2024.

Minister of Interior Ramazon Rahimzoda spoke about legally defining a stateless person and foreign citizens, who are illegally residing in the country, as well as on the draft law “On Early Warning Systems and the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency” and “On the Procedure for Issuing Permits for Driving Vehicles.”

Members of the government discussed the bills which were submitted to the Assembly of Representatives for consideration, including the draft laws “On the Procedure and Conditions of Detention of Suspects, Accused and Defendants,” “On Guarding State Secrets,” “On the Customs Code of the Republic of Tajikistan,” as well as “On the State Protection and Support of Entrepreneurship.”

Following the discussion, President Emomali Rahmon called for the timely fulfillment of the set tasks and instructed members of the government, government agencies and executive bodies of the state authority of cities and districts regarding the preparation works for the winter heating season and the upcoming  celebration of the 30th anniversary of independence.

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