Ministry’s Staff Discussed Pneumonia Situation

April 20
07:27 2020

In the evening of April 17, a regular meeting of the Ministry’s staff on prevention of coronavirus infection was held with the participation of Deputies Minister of Health and Social Protection of the Population of Tajikistan Mirhamuddin Kamolzoda and Shodikhon Jamshed, heads of a number of departments and directors of capital’s health facilities.

The Head of the Ministry’s Department for Organization of Medical Services and Modern Technologies Shaidullo Sharipov reported on the situation with coronavirus infection in Tajikistan.

It was noted that from February 1 through April 17, 7,871 citizens who had entered Tajikistan from foreign countries have been quarantined at the country’s healthcare institutions.

Of those, 6,348 have been discharged and 1,523 individuals are still under quarantine.

He noted that as of April 17, no cases of coronavirus infection had been registered among quarantined citizens.

Further the meeting focused on the deaths and cases of pneumonia in the last few days, which have led to various false rumors on social networks that these people are allegedly infected with the coronavirus.

In his speech, Shodikhon Jamshed noted that the unfavorable weather conditions in the last few days not only had a negative impact on economy’s various sectors, but also on citizen’s health. Therefore, sudden exposure to acute respiratory diseases, including pneumonia, was observed.

According to the Ministry’s Republican Center for Statistics and Medical Information, the number and indicators of certain infectious diseases in Tajikistan in 2019 (per 100 thousand population) are as follows:

influenza 9982 people, pneumonia 12802 people, ARVI 350702 people, asthma 1293 people and typhoid 8 people.

That is, these statistics show that the exposure of citizens to infectious diseases, including pneumonia, is a normal and seasonal condition. Therefore, citizens should not be alarmed by the spread of this disease.

It was stressed that the true nature of the disease should be conveyed to the citizens of the country by family doctors, so that at these sensitive moments, residents do not feel threatened.

Following the meeting, responsible persons were given strict instructions to be ready for the possible outbreak of coronavirus.

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