National Flag Day Celebration at the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Tajikistan

National Flag Day Celebration at the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Tajikistan
November 23
10:53 2019

On November 21, a festive event in honor of National Flag Day was held in the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Tajikistan.

The event was attended by Minister of Health and Social Protection of the Population Nasim Olimzoda, Deputies Minister Saida Umarzoda, Shodikhon Jamshed, heads of several medical institutions and other representatives of the ministry.

On November 21, the Ministry of health and social protection held a festive event in honor of the National flag Day, which was attended by Minister of health and social protection Nasim Olimzoda, Deputy Minister Saida Umarzoda, Shodihon Jamshed, heads of several medical institutions and other representatives of the Ministry.

The event began with the sound of the National Anthem of the Republic of Tajikistan and the introduction of the National Flag into the hall.

While opening the event, Nasim Olimzoda noted that it is a memorable that this year we mark the 10th anniversary of the celebration of the National Flag Day. The National flag is one of the symbols of Tajikistan’s sovereignty.  It was approved 27 years ago, on November 24, 1992, at the 16th session of the Supreme Council of Tajikistan in Khujand. The National Flag Day of Tajikistan has been celebrated since 2009.

“On President Emomali Rahmon’s initiative, the world’s highest flagpole was installed in Dushanbe on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of State Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan. Its length is 165 m, the flag itself is 60 m long and 30 m wide. It is included in the Guinness World Records. The square, where is located our highest flagpole, is called the National Flag Park,” Nasim Olimzoda noted.

It was noted that the National Flag of the Republic of Tajikistan is a symbol of the sovereignty, an indispensable unity of all strata of society, friendship and equality of the people living in our country, and reflects the centuries-old Tajik cultural history.

Respect for the state flag and its appreciation are the honorable and civic duty of every member of our society.

Today, everyone who considers himself a citizen of Tajikistan should be proud of his nation, the state of his ancestors and the national symbols of the Motherland, as well as he must also value and protect this sacred place as the apple of his eye.

Also, the Assistant Minister Dilorom Sodikova made a speech on the National Flag of the Republic of Tajikistan.

In her speech Dilorom Sodikova noted that the National Flag of the Republic of Tajikistan as a symbol of happiness, pride and honor of the Tajik nation and state embodies the creative purposes and goals of this civilized nation at the regional and international arenas, and this is our pride.

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