President Emomali Rahmon’s Working Tour to Tojikobod District

President Emomali Rahmon’s Working Tour to Tojikobod District
June 28
10:04 2019

Following his visit to the Nurobod district, the Founder of Peace and National Unity, Leader of the Nation, President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon visited Tojikobod in order to get acquainted with the socio-economic development of the region and to attend various opening ceremonies.

The first opening ceremony was for the new District Energy Networks Administration building, which was built at the initiative of the national power company Barqi Tojik.

Later, President Rahmon visited the district’s administrative center where he attended  the opening ceremony of the Flag and the State State Symbol Square, which were erected in an area of 1.30 hectares. The flagpole stands 35 meters high. Near the square, President Rahmon reviewed the progress of the ongoing construction of a 2.30 hectare recreational park, which will serve as the main venue for cultural and entertainment events.

The visit turned to the exhibition of agricultural products, folk crafts, and the crops, fruits, vegetables and berries which are grown in the mountainous Kala farm. Samples of local meat, dairy, honey and various types of bakery products were also showcased at the exhibit. Currently, nearly six hectares of land is utilized by the farm for growing various produce.

The greater Tojikobod also specializes in potatoes, with the total area used for growing this vegetable equaling 1,085 hectares.  In 2018, the region’s potato production reached over 24,000 tons, which is 1,631 tons more than in 2017.

After attending the exhibition and becoming acquainted with the activities of the Kala farm, President Rahmon continued to the Sari Pul area, where held a meeting with Tojikobod residents.

Since Tajikistan’s independence, the government has allocated 500 million somoni for the socio-economic development of Tojikobod. The government plans to allocate an additional  100 million somoni within the next three years.

Last year, the construction of new asphalt roads and street lighting installations totaled 3.5 million somoni. This year additional work to improve the district’s infrastructure will cost 8 million somoni.

To date, nine projects worth 250 million somoni have been implemented in the district,with four more projects in progress costing over 13 million somoni.

Nearly 50 educational institutions have been built and put into operation for more than 7,000 students. Seven new buildings which can accommodate 2,000 students have been built in the last two years. This year, the plans include the construction and renovation of six more school buildings.

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