Prevention of Coronavirus Infection Is Enhanced

Prevention of Coronavirus Infection Is Enhanced
February 03
15:00 2020

An extraordinary meeting of the board of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population of Tajikistan on taking specific measures to prevent coronavirus infection in the country was held today.

The Minister of Health and Social Protection of the Population Nasim Olimzoda, his deputies Saida Umarzoda, Aziz Odinazoda, Mirhamuddin Kamolzoda, Shodikhon Jamshed, Rector of Tajik State Medical University named after Abuali Ibn Sino Mahmadshoh Gulzoda, heads of sectoral services, State Agency for Social Protection, departments of GBAO, Khatlon and Sughd provinces, heads of national centers and health facilities and other health professionals attended the meeting.

While making speech, Nasim Olimzoda said that the issue of taking additional measures against coronavirus registered in China is currently under the special control of President Emomali Rahmon.

He also noted that country’s health care institutions should be fully prepared for the prevention and treatment of this infection.

While speaking about the measures taken to prevent coronavirus infection in the country, Miramuddin Kamolzoda noted that to date, the health ministry has set up a permanent headquarters to prevent coronavirus infection in the country and has strengthened epidemiological surveillance at state border crossing points.

“The health ministry sent a letter to the MFA and the Committee for Tourism Development in order to stop the Tajik citizens traveling to China and vice versa. Also, considering the work of Chinese citizens in the joint companies and enterprises in Tajikistan, the Ministry of Labor, Migration and Employment of the Population, the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies, the Ministry of Transport and the Committee for Architecture and Construction were asked to provide information to the ministry about the location of the companies and enterprises, about the Chinese specialists and their place of residence,” Mirhamuddin Kamolzoda emphasized.

“We also requested the Ministry of Education and Science to submit a list of Tajik students studying in China with the address of their residence for further medical supervision,” he added.

According to him, to date, there have not yet been registered cases of coronavirus infection in Tajikistan. However, in order to prevent its transfer to the country and to be in a state of readiness, appropriate medical and preventive institutions are given appropriate instructions and recommendations.

He said that at present, from 2 to 5 health workers and epidemiologists are working around the clock at 27 large and small checkpoints operating on the border with neighboring countries.

Also, by the direct instruction of President Emomali Rahmon, the health ministry in collaboration with the relevant agencies has tightly controls the border turnover of goods and materials, border crossing points and other possible cases of passing the disease.

On January 30, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared an international public health emergency over the outbreak of a new type of coronavirus (2019-nCoV).

“We don’t know what sort of damage this virus could do if it were to spread in a country with a weaker health system,” said WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

According to the latest data, the number of people infected with the novel coronavirus-induced pneumonia in China has increased to 17,205, with the death toll reaching 361.

Following the meeting, Nasim Olimzoda gave specific instructions in order to prevent the use of expired drugs, to improve the quality of medical services and other current issues.

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