Quality of Medical Services for Mothers and Children Improved in Tajikistan

Quality of Medical Services for Mothers and Children Improved in Tajikistan
December 09
13:18 2021

Over the past 30 years, a number of significant achievements have been achieved in the health sector of Tajikistan, especially in the field of maternal and child health. This was announced yesterday at a working meeting dedicated to the analysis of critical cases and the prevention of maternal mortality.

The issues of improving the quality of medical services for mothers and children were discussed within the framework of the Public Health Strategy of Tajikistan for the period up to 2030.

The meeting was attended by the Deputy Minister of Health and Social Protection of the Population Zulfiya Abdusamatzoda, heads of a number of institutions and departments, development partners, specialists of the country’s medical institutions.

Abdusamatzoda stated that the issues of maternal and child health are one of the priority directions of the current policy of the government and the Ministry of Health.

A number of important strategic documents have been adopted in this direction.

“Per instructions and initiative of the President Emomali Rahmon, Istiklol Medical Complex, the Khorug regional maternity hospital, central hospitals in Lakhsh, Nurobod, Dusti, Khuroson, Yovon, Farkhor, Hamadoni, regional and city maternity hospitals in Khujand, as well as maternity hospital №2 in Dushanbe were built and equipped with modern technology,”said Abdusamatzoda.

According to her, perinatal centers have been built in Kulob and Bokhtar, as well as the Central District Hospital was commissioned in Vose, which are equipped with modern equipment that has no analogues in the world.

“This made it possible to improve the access of the population to health services,” she mentioned.

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