November 04
11:46 2021

Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist

Waste Management Specialist

Gender Specialist

 The Republic of Tajikistan has received a grant from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for  implementation of the Project “Support for the delivery of vaccines against COVID-19 within the framework of the Asia-Pacific Fund for Access to Vaccines.”

The Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population (MOHSPP) is the project’s executing agency. A Project Administration Group (PAG) was established to implement the project. The PAG will be headed by a project director, appointed by the MOHSPP. The project director will be supported by a national coordinator, who will oversee the day-to-day implementation, supported by six regional coordinators and other key PAG staff (gender, procurement, financial management and disbursement, monitoring and evaluation, waste management, translator/administrative assistant). PAG staff were/will be selected through a competitive procedure and financed by the project.

To achieve these goals, MOHSPP invites interested candidates, who meet the qualification requirements, to submit their applications for the following vacant positions:


The M&E Specialist will report to and work closely with the PAG National Coordinator; if necessary, he/she will closely coordinate his/her actions with other PAG staff. The PAG M&E Specialist will be guided by the relevant official and approved project documents, and adhere to the ADB and government project implementation policies and procedures as set out in those documents. The candidate must have at least a bachelor’s degree or equivalent in economics, business administration, development management, or a related field. A minimum of 7 years of experience in the monitoring and evaluation system is required. Previous experience working with development organizations and government with similar terms of reference will be an advantage. The specialist should have a demonstrated track record of timely delivery of high-quality outputs, excellent interpersonal skills and a good command of spoken and written English.

The M&E Specialist will perform the following tasks:

  1. Develop and manage a project monitoring and evaluation system, including (a) identification data to be collected regularly for the project based on the requirements of the DMF and PAG; (b) in coordination with a gender specialist to define gender indicators and other relevant data to be included in data collection, monitoring and reporting; (c) developing a gender-sensitive methodology for collecting data, tracking progress and reporting on project results;
  2. Coordinate with government agencies the collection of sex-disaggregated data related to the implementation and monitoring of the vaccination plan;
  3. Advise the PAG Gender Group on the development of monitoring and reporting mechanisms aligned with the PAG indicators and targets;
  4. Provide guidance to government agencies on the use of data collection and reporting templates;
  5. Conduct regular field visits to monitor project activities and collect disaggregated data on project implementation;
  6. Enter data into the monitoring and evaluation database and check the quality of the data to be included in the database;
  7. Prepare quarterly monitoring reports documenting project progress, identifying potential risks and implementation PAGs, and recommending mitigation measures for submission to relevant government agencies and ADB;
  8. Facilitate the preparation of other project reports and documents, ensuring compliance with the guidelines and reporting templates prior to their submission to the government and ADB;
  9. Coordinate with the Gender specialist to monitor progress on key aspects of the project such as environmental impact and other related social indicators identified by the DMF;
  10. Conduct a mid-term and final assessment of the progress and achievements of the project and identify areas and/or project activities that need to be improved, strengthened, including strategies for solving problems and issues during the remaining period of the project;
  11. Work in close cooperation with MOHSPP and the Republican Immunization Center to create a monitoring and evaluation reporting system; prepare and submit to the MOHSPP and ADB all necessary reports, reports on PAG monitoring and project evaluation; finalize project performance management and reporting systems; track and evaluate achievements during project implementation; and review the data collection plan to ensure that all data and objectives of the design and monitoring framework are available;
  12. Perform any other tasks that may be requested by the relevant government authorities and ADB.
  13. Develop and submit to the MOHSPP and ADB all necessary reports on PAG monitoring and project evaluation;
  14. Develop and monitor a system of M&E and project performance management and reporting;
  15. Providing assistance in other key related activities such as training, communication, cold chain; and
  16. Perform other tasks related to vaccination against COVID-19 as assigned by the National Coordinator.

Duration of the contract: 14 person-months on a continuous basis, taking into account the verification of the results of completed tasks, and with a 3-month probation period. The beginning of the assignment is started from the middle of November, 2021 up to the end of December 2022.


The PAG Utilization of Medical Waste Disposal Specialist will report to and work closely with the PAG National Coordinator; if necessary, he/she will closely coordinate his/her actions with other PAG staff. The PAG Utilization Medical Waste Disposal Specialist will be guided by the relevant official and approved project documents, and will adhere to the ADB and government project implementation policies and procedures as set out in those documents. The specialist must have at least a bachelor’s degree or equivalent in health and safety, ecology, or a related field. A minimum of 7 years of experience in the above field is required. Previous experience working with international and government organizations will be an asset. The professional must have excellent interpersonal skills, knowledge of English is welcomed. The specialist will perform mainly, but not limited to, the following tasks:

  1. Check the system and the principle of disposal of medical waste and regularly take action in case of violations.
  2. Refer to the Medical Waste Management Project of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) with MOHSPP, and promote suitable collaboration.
  3. Review the implementation of NDVP training on bio-safety of ongoing vaccination and waste management;
  4. Provide training for health personnel involved in the vaccination program to further raise awareness and the management of hazardous health care waste and occupational health and safety;
  5. Development a monitoring system on the implementation of the SOP for the deployment of vaccines procured under APVAX;

Monitor the implementation of the SOP;

  1. Propose corrective actions in case of any environmental nonconformities recorded during monitoring; and
  2. Provide input for periodic progress reports in terms of hazardous medical waste management.
  3. Provide assistance in other key related activities such as training, communication, cold chain; and
  4. Perform other tasks related to vaccination against COVID-19 as assigned by the National Coordinator.

Duration of the contract: 14 person-months on a continuous basis, taking into account the verification of the results of completed tasks, and with a 3-month probation period. The beginning of the assignment is started from the middle of November, 2021 up to the end of December 2022.


 The PAG Gender Specialist will report to and work closely with the PAG National Coordinator; if necessary, he/she will closely coordinate his/her actions with other PAG staff. The PAG Gender Specialist will be guided by the relevant official and approved project documents, and adhere to the ADB and government project implementation policies and procedures as set out in those documents. The specialist must hold an advanced degree in gender studies, public health, public administration, development studies, social sciences or related fields, with short courses on gender. The professional must have at least 5 years of experience in gender mainstreaming in project management, capacity building and knowledge management in internationally funded and/or government development projects, preferably in the field of public health. The specialist must have at least 2 years of experience in developing and delivering gender trainings. The specialist should have a demonstrated track record of timely delivery of high-quality outputs, excellent interpersonal skills, and shall have a good command of spoken and written English, since he/she will have to coordinate with HQs gender team of project.

The specialist will perform the following tasks:

  1. Develop and conduct gender orientation/training of Tajik National Research Institute of Gynecology, Obstetrician and Neonatology of the Republic of Tajikistan and PAG staff in order to increase their capacity to integrate gender issues, data collection, as well as planning, monitoring and reporting on project activities;
  2. Develop a gender sensitivity modules that will be included as lessons in all training activities for TNRI and PAG staff, as well as health workers (eg staff training, social mobilization training, interpersonal communication training);
  3. Advise on the integration of gender indicators into the project monitoring and evaluation system and regularly provide updated data disaggregated by sex to inform project reporting;
  4. Collect sex-disaggregated data, where possible, on the progress of each gender action and goal in the GPA to inform progress reports;
  5. Coordinate with government agencies the collection of sex-disaggregated data for the implementation and monitoring of the vaccination plan;
  6. Manage the implementation of the PAG, ensuring accurate and timely data collection and proper documentation of results;
  7. Provide guidance to PAG staff on the collection, consolidation and analysis of sex-disaggregated data;
  8. Conduct regular monitoring of the implementation of the gender objectives of the project, including, if necessary, field visits;
  9. Lead the preparation of a report on the results of gender equality at each review of the progress of the project;
  10. Participate, as required, in project review missions, including, but not limited to, a mid-term review mission and a project completion mission;
  11. Consolidate project PAG updates and submit quarterly reports to PAG using ADB’s PAG Monitoring Framework;

12.Coordinate closely with relevant project experts and development partners to ensure gender representation in project-related activities, the transmission of gender-sensitive criteria in training modules and knowledge products, and effective conduct of gender sessions in all training activities;

  1. Respond to requests from the gender focals of Tajikistan Resident Mission and ADB for any requests and requests for additional data as required;
  2. Monitor the scale of vaccination against COVID-19 among the priority population;
  3. Support the formulation of a communication strategy to increase public acceptance and demand for vaccination; and
  4. Engage consultants in the PAG, including other professionals, to improve the skills of the PAG staff on gender mainstreaming in project-sensitive aspects, including issues related to the procurement and delivery of vaccines.
  5. Formulate a communication strategy to increase public acceptance and demand for vaccination;

Duration of the contract: 14 person-months on a continuous basis, taking into account the verification of the results of completed tasks, and with a 3-month probation period. The beginning of the assignment is started from the middle of November, 2021 up to the end of December 2022.

 All interested candidates must provide the following documents:

 Resume (CV) in Russian and English (resume format can be obtained upon request to the email address: or );

  • Letters of recommendation with the contact details of the guarantors;
  • A copy of the documents confirming the education of the candidate;
  • Copy of passport (place of residence, SIN);

The above documents must be submitted with your own hand in an envelope. The envelope must clearly state:

        To participate in the competition:


        The name of the candidate:

Deadline for submission of documents: November,  10, 2021, by 10:00 local time.

Documents submitted after the specified period will not be considered.

The selection of candidates will be carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan and the procedures for the selection of individual specialists within the framework of the Asian Development Bank.

Only shortlisted candidates will be invited for interviews. If necessary, the MOHSPP reserves the right to re-announce a vacancy or cancel the selection of candidates for announced positions.

The hard copy of documents from candidates can be submitted to address shown below:

734025, Dushanbe, st. A. Donish, building 16.

Contact tel .: (+992) 918614021 or (+992) 918 111 825

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