Solemn Celebration of Health Workers’ Day

Solemn Celebration of Health Workers’ Day
August 21
09:45 2020

A solemn event dedicated to the Health Workers’ Day was held on August 19 at the Avicenna Tajik State Medical University.

The event was attended by the Minister of Health and Social Protection of the Population Jamoliddin Abdullozoda, Head of the Department of Social Development of the Presidential Executive Office Guljahon Abdufattohzoda, WHO Country Office for Tajikistan Bakhtygul Karryeva, University’s Rector Mahmadshoh Gulzoda, Deputies Minister Ghafur Muhsinzoda, Samariddin Alizoda and a wide range of managers and staff of the ministry’s subdivisions.

Chairman of the Trade Union of Health Workers Nurkhon Hayotzoda opened the event and then gave a speech to Abdullozoda.

In his speech, Abdullozoda said that it is gratifying for each of us that for the first time in the history of the Independence, the professional holiday of health workers was held yesterday with the participation of President Emomali Rahmon.

“Of course, this historic event is the pride of all of us health workers. In his speech, President gave a detailed analysis of the health and social protection of the population sphere during the independence period, and noted the achievements and shortcomings, as well as instructed to improve medical services to the people of the country,” noted Minister.

Abdullozoda also noted that with the constant support and assistance of the President over the years of independence in the health sector of the country significant work has been done to improve medical services, including the construction and repair of many modern medical facilities and provided with the latest machinery and equipment.

“In this process, we can say with confidence that today Tajik doctors, along with their foreign counterparts, have a high level of skill in the diagnosis and treatment of patients. Evidence of this is the introduction of new methods of diagnosis and treatment in the country, which previously citizens of the country traveled abroad for these purposes, which was not in the economic interests of the country,” added Abdullozoda.

Abdufattohzoda, in turn, congratulated all health workers on their professional holiday and said that it is gratifying that Tajik doctors all over the country annually celebrate their professional holiday.

During her speech, she noted the President’s support, in particular, said that today the health sector is in the focus of attention of the Head of State and the Government.

Karryeva expressed satisfaction with her participation in such an event of health workers and in the person of participants congratulated all doctors on this day.

During the ceremony, a number of active health workers were awarded by the Minister with the title “Excellence in Healthcare of Tajikistan”, Certificate of Honor and Certificate of Appreciation.

It should be noted that since 1994, August 18, that is the birthday of Avicenna, has been celebrated as the Professional Day of Health Workers of Tajikistan.

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