Sughd: a solemn event dedicated to the International Day for Protection of Children

Sughd: a solemn event dedicated to the International Day for Protection of Children
June 06
15:35 2019


The International Day for Protection of Children (Children’s Day) was celebrated at a high level in the Navruzgoh recreation park of the city of Khujand, Sughd region.

The event was attended by the Deputy Chairman of the region Nazira Ghaffori, the leadership of the city of Khujand, representatives of regional organizations and departments, intelligentsia, students and pupils of secondary general education and pre-school institutions of cities and districts of the region.

Nazira Ghaffori and her accompanying delegation familiarized themselves with the various craft and creative ranks of children and adolescents, as well as highly assessed their singing, drawing, invention, sports, and creativity.

It should be noted that love of children and adolescents to the beauty and nature increases year by year. The living corners of secondary educational institutions of cities and districts of the region were attracting at the festive event. The audience, especially children, got acquainted with these corners with great interest and gained a good impression.

A corner of the Health Town, organized by representatives of the regional healthcare institutions, was also very memorable.

On the occasion of Children’s Day, Nazira Ghaffori congratulated all the children and teenagers of the region on behalf of the Chairman of the Sughd region Rajabboy Ahmadzoda and wished them a happy life, clear skies, peace and family well-being.

“In the light of the humanistic policy of the Founder of Peace and National Unity, Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon, in our beloved country, special importance is attached to the upbringing of the child and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle of the younger generation, as the further development of society depends on the proper education of children and adolescents,” said Nazira Ghaffori.

It should be noted that the Executive body of the state authority of the Sughd region pays special attention to the development of pre-school institutions, their repair and reconstruction, improving the quality of education and upbringing of children, as well as their more attraction to institutions. Currently, there are in the region 263 pre-school institutions, 203 pre-school institutions subordinate to the education department of cities and districts, 13 pre-school institutions subordinated to organizations and enterprises, and 47 private pre-school institutions, where educate 42,710 children.

Also, according to the prospects, another 48 pre-school institutions are planned to build in the region. The reconstruction and repair of institutions, the organization of rest camp for children and adolescents are the evidence of the constant attention of the Executive body of the state authority of the region to the creative generation.

Cultural figures of the region presented a bright and memorable concert program for children and adolescents.

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