Susan E Lock’s Letter of Appreciation to the Tajik Doctor

Susan E Lock’s Letter of Appreciation to the Tajik Doctor
January 11
11:54 2020

An Austrian citizen Susan E Lock, who came to Tajikistan as a tourist and received treatment at a hospital in Khujand, thanked the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population of Tajikistan. Below we provide her letter of appreciation:

“Permit me to introduce myself. My name is Susan Lock of Melbourne, Australia. I am a school principal and educational consultant (retired), who is traveling in Tajikistan for the first time. I am an experienced traveler, having travelled in many parts of the world both during my career and since retirement.

Upon arriving in Khujand from the border on September 24th I became ill with severe abdominal pain and a doctor was called to my hotel. The severity of the abdominal pain increased, and it was clear this condition was serious. The next day I was admitted to City Hospital Number 1, where I remained for some days. An ECG clearly indicated that the pain was not cardiac related but an ultra sound was inconclusive. The agonising pain continued and required regular injections of painkillers. The following night I was moved to the ICU at the instigation of the Head of the Therapy Department, Dr. Makhkamboy, a specialist in gastro-enterology, where I received intravenous treatment and continuous monitoring. A diagnosis of a sudden onset pancreatic condition was made. At this point in time I could not have been transferred by road to another city with perhaps a better equipped hospital, for example Dushtanbe, due

to the gravity of my situation. I was in severe pain and very distressed so it was essential I remain in Khujand for treatment.

During this period, my travelling companion and I were dependent upon a splendid local translator, Huseyn Ismatulloev from “Orient Adventure” for all communications within the hospital and outside. We appreciate the unstinting and generous support and assistance of the company. During my time in the hospital, I was treated with kindness and care. All resources, limited as they were, were deployed by the hospital staff, and I have nothing but gratitude for their work on my behalf. In particular I wish to single out the professionalism and expertise of Dr. Makhkamboy. By admitting me to the ICU so quickly and by personally taking charge of my treatment, not only did I recover fully, but I believe his prompt action meant I did not require evacuation or surgery. My respect for him, personally, and his team who are working with limited resources, is boundless.

I am happy to carry praise of your medical personnel home and on future trips.

I remain your grateful visitor.”

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