TERMS OF REFERENCES CQS 3.1 on hiring a Consultant

November 24
07:33 2020

Logistics for 3 training (to provide and conduct seminars for the training of doctors, nurses and technical personnel of the project “Health Caravan. The Republic of Tajikistan”.

1.General regulations

The Health Caravan Project (hereinafter referred to as “Project”) is being implemented in the Republic of Tajikistan.

Project goal is to improve disease prevention and detection in rural and remote areas. To assess the impact of a COVID-19 infection and prescribe treatment or rehabilitation therapy to patients.

The Project is being implemented according to the Project Implementation Guide. It includes three parts.

  • Development of institutional capacity of medical institutions to diagnose and prevent diseases in rural and hard-to-reach areas of the country.
  • Conducting preventive examinations, primary disease prevention and medical and sanitary education of population in rural and hard-to-reach areas of the country on the basis of road trains.
  • Project management.

2.Problem statement

The population of the Republic of Tajikistan at the beginning of 2020 was 9,537,645 people. Despite the low population size, the coverage of the country’s citizens with preventive medical examinations to detect and treat chronic diseases and predisposition to them remains low due to the large proportion of the population living in remote rural mountainous areas. In general, the share of rural population in the country is 56.44%.

In order to improve efficiency of work on timely detection and treatment of chronic diseases and determination of disposition to them, in recent years the country has been implementing an internal program of providing medical services to the population “Health Caravan”. It was created and has been regularly implemented in recent years with the support of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan at the initiative of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection. Leading specialists of the Ministry’s central apparatus, heads of republican treatment and preventive institutions, professors of the Tajik State University named after Abuali Ibni Sino and the Tajik Institute of Postgraduate Training of Medical Personnel of Tajikistan participate in its development and implementation.

Taking into account the difficult accessibility of many settlements of the republic due to its landscape (many settlements are located in remote mountainous areas), preventive medical examinations in these areas under the project will be conducted in mobile diagnostic complexes as part of special mobile clinics.

  1. The goal of the assignment

Conduct and technical support of 3 (three) seminars in accordance with the seminar program (Annex 1), including:

– Two simultaneous seminars at one site in the Republic of Tajikistan to train monitoring specialists, doctors, and paramedics who will conduct preventive examinations for primary disease prevention and health education in rural areas of the country;

– one seminars in Moscow to train technical specialists (drivers, engineers and technicians) who will service road mobile clinics and complete medical equipment of the Health Caravan Project.

4.Consultant selection criteria

To conduct and provide technical support for the seminar, it is necessary to involve a firm on a competitive basis.

The assessment of the technical proposals, sent to the competition, will be based on the following main criteria:

– At least 4 years of experience in organizing congress events;

– the applicant has at least 3 similar combined training events with the number of participants 50 and more with the organization of travel (including transfer) and accommodation of participants;

– stable business relations with local transport companies, with companies providing venues for events in the region of the seminar.

– availability of positive references from previous customers.

5.Scope and content of the Consultant’s work

The involved Consultant will have to provide the following services and prices for these services:

At the preparation stage:


  • Production of printed materials:

– Publication of information materials for seminar participants (program, lecturers’ presentations, questionnaires, etc.) and additional information provided by the Customer;

– Production of badges, plates, registration forms.


  • Procurement of consumables and stationery:
  • – Notebooks, pens, paper clips, pencils, markers, etc. in sufficient quantity, based on the number of participants and by agreement with the organizer..;
  • – Consumables: A4-size white paper, sufficient amount of cartridges, based on the needs of teachers, and as agreed with the organizer.


During the seminar:

  • Rent of premises for organizing and conducting seminars (meeting room, classrooms, rooms for accommodation of seminar listeners).

Places of seminars and accommodation in the Republic of Tajikistan and Moscow are to be agreed with the Customer:

Seminars (daily from 9:00 to 18:00 in the Republic of Tajikistan) for doctors, paramedics and monitoring specialists.


Seminars in the Republic of Tajikistan for doctors, paramedics, and monitoring specialists.

  • Premises for meetings held in one building:

– A hall for plenary sessions for 70 people for 3 days;

– and three auditoriums for 20 people each for theoretical and practical sessions with the possibility of video demonstration and wireless Internet access for 3 days.

Accommodation of listeners in a hotel (7 nights):

To order rooms for accommodation in the sanatorium “Bahoriston” (Kairocum) or similar class sanatorium or hotel complex with full board (without sanatorium services) and provide accommodation for 50 students and 6 teachers of the seminar.

Seminar in Moscow for technical specialists and drivers

Premises for holding meetings:

Auditorium for 15 people for theoretical classes with the possibility of video demonstration and wireless Internet access – 1 day.

Accommodation in a hotel (3 nights):

To order rooms for accommodation in a 3-star hotel and provide accommodation for 12 seminar attendees, 1 person each, in a room according to the accommodation lists given by the Customer; and to provide them with meals during the accommodation period three times a day.

5.4. Rent, installation and adjustment of equipment for training and practical work of seminar participants, service personnel, organization of lecture work held in the Republic of Tajikistan – 6 days:

– 3 notebooks;

– 1 laser printer;

– 3 projectors with a screen;

– 3 flip charts;

– 1 photocopier;

– Providing access to wireless Internet on the whole site of the event.


  1. Transportation of seminar participants and lecturers.

In this point, transportation is understood as transportation by comfortable buses (or minibuses).

6.1 Seminar in the Republic of Tajikistan, transportation of listeners.

– To organize local air flight of 20 listeners from Khatlon region of the Republic of Tajikistan to Kairokum city of the Republic of Tajikistan. To organize the travel of 20 listeners from the airport to the hotel where the accommodation is supposed to be located (hereinafter – “Hotel”).

– To organize travel by 3 minibuses for 15 listeners from Soghd Oblast of the Republic of Tajikistan, 15 listeners from Khatlon Oblast of the Republic of Tajikistan to the hotel.

– To organize for the whole period of seminars a daily travel of 50 listeners from the hotel to the place of seminars and back.

– To organize the travel of 20 participants from the hotel to the airport. To organize a local flight for 20 listeners from Kairokum city of the Republic of Tajikistan to Khatlon region of the Republic of Tajikistan.

– To organize travel by 2 minibuses 15 listeners from the Hotel to Soghd Oblast of the Republic of Tajikistan and 2 minibuses 15 listeners from the Hotel to Khatlon Oblast of the Republic of Tajikistan.

6.2 Seminar in the Republic of Tajikistan, transportation of teachers.

– Organize a flight of 6 teachers from Moscow, Russian Federation to Kairokum, Tajikistan. Organize travel of 6 teachers from the airport to the Hotel.

– To organize a daily travel of 6 teachers from the Hotel to the place of seminars and back for the whole period of the seminars.

– To organize travel of 6 teachers from the hotel to the airport. To organize a flight of 6 teachers from Kairokum of the Republic of Tajikistan to Moscow of the Russian Federation.

6.3 Seminar in Moscow, Russian Federation.

– To organize flight of 12 technical specialists and drivers from Dushanbe city of the Republic of Tajikistan to Moscow city of the Russian Federation. To organize travel of 12 technical specialists and drivers from the airport to the Hotel.

– To organize 1 travel of 12 technical specialists and drivers on the first day – from the Hotel to the seminar venue (if necessary) and back.

– To organize 1 travel of 12 technical specialists and drivers on the second day – from the hotel to the training site of the supplier of trains “Health Caravan” in Moscow of the Russian Federation and back.

– Arrange travel of 12 technical specialists and drivers from the hotel to the airport. To organize the flight of 12 technical specialists and drivers from Moscow of the Russian Federation to Dushanbe of the Republic of Tajikistan.


  1. Ordering and providing meals for the participants of seminars in an agreed format.

Organization of meals at the seminar venue in the Republic of Tajikistan – 1 coffee break between classes (for 56 people).

  1. Other instructions and wishes of the Customer

Other assignments and/or the Client’s wishes, as part of the preparation and conduct of the seminar, shall be binding on the Consultant only if they are in writing and if there are reserves in the estimate agreed upon by the parties, or if the Client additionally pays for the said assignments (wishes) by the Client.

  1. Resources provided by the Client

9.1 The Client shall provide the Consultant with all information required for the organization of the seminar.

9.2 The Client shall provide the Consultant with comments on the project content, if necessary.

9.3 The Client shall provide lecturers to conduct seminars.


  1. Report of the Consultant

10.1 The Consultant will perform the work under the contract under the supervision of the Project Coordinator (stepan.kanakin@gmail.com) and the Methodologist.

10.2. After signing the contract, within three business days, the Consultant shall provide a work plan for the assignment and coordinate it with the Client. Following the results of the agreement, the Work Plan Agreement Act will be signed.

10.2. Within 15 business days after approval of the work plan by the Client, the Consultant shall submit a report with information on the purchased air tickets and reservation of rooms for accommodation/workshops in the Republic of Tajikistan/Moscow, which shall be approved by signing the Act of approval of ticket purchase.

10.3 Following the results of the work under the Contract, the Consultant shall submit full technical and financial reports (the requirements for the content of reports are set out in the Annex to the Contract) on the services provided under the Contract (in accordance with these Terms of Reference). Upon acceptance of the report by the Client, the Client and the Consultant shall sign an Act on the services rendered.

10.4 Place of service provision: Moscow, Republic of Tajikistan

10.5. Term of service provision: within a period not exceeding 75 days from the date of entry into force of the contract. The execution period of the contract begins tentatively at the end of December 2020 and continues until mid of March, 2021.



Annex 1 to the Terms of Reference


Seminars held

Assignment 3.1.

Seminar 1

Venue: Moscow

Number of participants: 12 drivers, engineers and technicians

Number of teachers: 2

Number of teachers: 2 Duration: 2 days

Audience – 1 for 1 day

Prom site Train Suppliers – 1 day


Seminar 2. General

Venue: Republic of Tajikistan

Number of participants: 60 people

Number of teachers: 6

Classes are common for all 60 people.

Duration: 3 days

Audience – 1

Topics: General issues of organization and conduct of preventive examinations, including primary and secondary reception, detection of various diseases, preparation of the conclusion on a state of health, organization of dispensary supervision and prevention of various diseases.

Duration: 24 hours (3 days), including practical exercises and final evaluation. 8 hours per day (3 sessions).

Seminar 3. By groups

Venue: Republic of Tajikistan

Number of participants: 50

Number of teachers: 6

Duration: 3 days

Audience – 3

1st subgroup (20 people) Evaluation of the cardiovascular system, including practical exercises and final evaluation. 24 hours (3 days) = 8 hours per day. – 3 sessions

2nd subgroup (20 people). Respiratory system assessment, including practical exercises and final assessment. 24 hours (3 days) = 8 hours per day – 3 sessions

3rd subgroup (10 people) Monitoring and evaluation (basics of medical statistics and evaluation of the quality of medical care). 24 hours (3 days) = 8 hours per day – 3 sessions


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