Visit of the Mission of the KfW Development Bank

June 05
17:27 2024

On June 5, the Deputy Minister of Health and Social Protection of the Population Zulfiya Abdusamatzoda met with the mission of the KfW Development Bank headed by Mrs. Annika Unterpertinger.

The mission began its working visit to Tajikistan on June 3 in order to familiarize and monitor the activities of projects in the field of healthcare and assess the financing of new projects. The visit will last until June 8.

It was noted that one of the main goals of the guests’ visit to the country is to assess additional financing for the construction of a new maternity hospital building in Vahdat.

Also, during the next visit, the working group will visit the II-VI stages of the projects of the program “Maternal and child health protection and improvement of emergency medical care in the districts of Khatlon region.”

It should be noted that within the framework of this program, the construction and reconstruction of hospitals in a number of cities and districts of the Khatlon region are at the final level, as well as 4 more projects have been successfully implemented.

The construction of the building of the Republican Children’s Hospital for Tuberculosis Control continues within the framework of the “Fight against Tuberculosis” phase V project.


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