96 People Received Wheelchairs

96 People Received Wheelchairs
September 24
15:00 2019

 (Devoted to the International Forum on Recovery and Rehabilitation of Disabled)

The Government of the Republic of Tajikistan pays special attention to disabled and takes the necessary measures every year for their work and activities. In this regard, July 8 is annually celebrated in the country as the Disabled Day. Regarding this date, the provisions governing the rights of disabled, the implementation of plans for the Disabled Day and other issues, we had an interview with the head of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Tajikistan Qudratullo Qurbonov, which will provide you below:

– First, can you say what privileges and opportunities are provided today the state and the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan for disabled?

– The legal framework, including relevant legislation on disabled, has been fully developed and is being implemented in Tajikistan. For example, there are laws of the Republic of Tajikistan “On social protection of disabled”, “On veterans”, “On social services”, “On social protection of disabled people at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant” and others. In addition, eight draft laws and regulations aimed at regulating legal norms of state social guarantees were developed and are under consideration this year.

It should be noted that last year, by the direct initiative of President Emomali Rahmon, in March 2018, Tajikistan joined the UN Convention on the Disabled Rights and the authorized state bodies are currently working on the implementation of the provisions of this Convention. A draft National Action Plan is also being developed.

–  July 8 is declared World Disabled Day. Why do you think this day is dedicated to this category of society?

– Indeed, according to the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan “On holidays”, July 8 is determined as the Disabled Day, which is annually marked in our country with its own traditions and characteristics.

Issues of social protection of the population, especially disabled, are one of the important and priority areas of the policy of the President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon and he regularly takes effective and constructive measures to support vulnerable groups.

The legal framework for social protection of disabled is implemented in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Health Code of the Republic of Tajikistan, the laws of the Republic of Tajikistan “On social protection of disabled”, “On social services”, and “Veterans”.

At the same time, Tajikistan, as part of the world community, recognizes all international documents relating to the rights of disabled and their social security, as well as takes the necessary measures for their implementation.

Since 1998, the Disabled Day is marked annually on July 8 in Tajikistan with the involvement of all relevant state agencies and civil society.

The purpose of this day’s announcement and traditionally celebrating is to attract the attention of the society and organizations to disability issues as well as to contribute to the provision of social protection for disabled and their decent living conditions.

Currently, about 150,000 disabled are registered in Tajikistan, of which more than 27,000 are disabled children.

The country’s state and government take all necessary measures to ensure their social protection. Some disabled children, especially orphans’ disabled children, are covered by state social institutions. I am convinced that in the future all necessary measures will be taken to improve the social protection of disabled, their rights and interests as well as improve their socio-economic situation.

– What are the plan events held by the ministry as part of the Disabled Day?

– First of all, at the initiative of the Ministry and with the support of local bodies, especially in Dushanbe, cities and districts of the country, the relevant events are scheduled for July 4. For example, on July 4, an extensive meeting was held at the National Library of Tajikistan with the participation of representatives of public associations of disabled, disabled and their families, associations of parents of disabled children, representatives of government ministries and other relevant organizations.

In addition, at the initiative of the executive body of the state authority of Dushanbe and with the support of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Tajikistan, more than 60 disabled were provided with wheelchairs on the eve of the Disabled Day. On July 6, at the initiative of the National Association of Disabled in collaboration with the support of the executive body of the state authority of Sughd region, a festive event was held in Khujand. Similar events were also planned and carried out in all state organizations and social protection institutions.

The departments of social protection of the population of cities and districts in collaboration with the Prosthetic and orthopedic enterprise under the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Tajikistan in the first half of this year provided the disabled 96 wheelchairs, 379 canes, 128 pairs of crutches, 169 pairs of crutches to the elbow, 27 hearing aids, 66 canes for the blind and 57 walkers. In addition, the following charity services were provided to 252 disavled: prosthetics for 15 people; foot orthosis for 172 people; prosthetic and orthopedic repair for 19 people; treadmill for 24 people; tables and chairs for 18 people; belt orthosis for 3 people; hand orthosis for 1 person.

– How is a citizen’s disability determined?

– The determination of citizens’ disability has its own rules and procedures. The State Medical Diagnostic Service and its bodies acting in accordance with its rules and the “Instructions for Medical and Social Diagnostics” are authorized to determine the disability of citizens and solve this problem based on citizens’ requests.

In the first half of 2019, 23591 citizens appealed to the Medical Diagnostic Service and its structures, of which 22 419 (adults – 17 290 and children – 5129) were citizens examined in the commission for medical and social examination. This figure is 4190 less than for the same period in 2018.

One of the activities of this Service is the conduct of medical and social examinations of seriously ill patients, who cannot get into the examination committee, at the place of residence, and in this regard, specialists of the State Medical Examination Service at the request of the Medical Advisory Commission of medical centers and heads of boarding schools examined 838 disabled due to illness in the home, in hospitals and boarding schools.

– As you know, the first International Forum on Recovery and Rehabilitation of Disabled will be held in October this year in Dushanbe. Tell us a little about forum’s goals and objectives.

– The International Forum on Recovery and Rehabilitation of Disabled, which will be held on October 18, 2019, in Dushanbe, will cover the achievements and documentation of disabled. It also aims to promote activities, partnerships, industry statistics to ensure long-term changes for disabled in Tajikistan, as well as to promote the implementation of the UN Convention on the Disabled Rights and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals for disabled in accordance with the National Development Strategy of Tajikistan until 2030.

The International Forum will provide an opportunity to discuss the implementation of the “National Program for the Disabled Rehabilitation for 2017–2020” and assess the impact of the National Program on the lives of disabled and their families. The forum will be an event that promotes disability issues and creates a platform for discussion with senior government officials, civil society organizations, UN special agencies, international community organizations, other development partners and the media.

– Thanks for the interview!



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