Working trip of the Leader of the Nation to Danghara district, Khatlon Province

Working trip of the Leader of the Nation to Danghara district, Khatlon Province
May 27
08:18 2019

On May 23, the Founder of Peace and National Unity, Leader of the Nation, President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon arrived in Danghara district of Khatlon Province on a working trip.  The aim of his visit are to examine the socioeconomic situation in the region, hold an on-site meeting on the development of the agriculture complex and to take part in the opening ceremony of various facilities.

The first part of the trip included a visit the business center Kayonush where he inspected the exhibition of agricultural and industrial products of the province.

Dangara district is considered to be the largest and the most advanced agricultural and industrial area of the country. In the first four months of the current year, the total volume of agricultural production in Khatlon reached 797,254,000 somoni. This is an increase of more than 65, 508, 000 somoni compared to 2018. The rate of development is at 109%.

The volume of agricultural production in all public sectors and farms during this period amounted to 191,630,000 somoni. Comoared to 2018, this year saw an increase of over 43,258,000 somoni.

During his meeting with the local farmers, President Emomali Rahmon gave useful recommendations for increase the production of environmentally healthy fruits and vegetables.

The agricultural farmers of Khatlon have been sowing various types of crops in the area encompassing 308,124 hectares, which is 109% of the long-term plan.

In this period, 129, 906 ha. of grain, 130, 898, ha, technical crops, including 19,000 ha of cotton, 19 ha of vegetables, 6,522 ha of potatoes, 11 627 ha of melons, 10, 148 ha of fodder crops have been sown.

The grain harvesting campaign resulted in 1,750 tons of grains from 500 hectares, which is an increase by 760 tons compared to the whole period last year.

Also, 186, 302 tons of vegetables have been produced from 6, 891 ha, which is an increased of 71, 210 compared to the previous year. The potatoes harvesting campaign resulted in 22, 388 tons of potatoes from 1,396 ha, which is 13, 373 tons more than in 2018.

The total area of fruit orchards of cities and districts of the region yielded 3,388 tons of products, including cherries, plums, peaches and apricots. Compared to last year this is an increased of 1,571 tons.

As of May 17, the total volume of exported garden products reached 13,113 tons, which is 5, 691 tons more than last year. Nearly 13,000 tons of onions have been exported to Russia, Kazakhstan, Afghanistan and Ukraine.

The President Emomali Rahmon also visited the pavilion with farm livestock and a display of various species of birds and fish.

Following the meeting with the farmers, President Emomali Rahmon attended the official opening ceremony of the new 18-kilometer road connecting the villages of Pushing, Alijon, Ghizhdovak and Parikamish to the administrative center of Danghara district. The two-lane road is 18 km in length and 4.8 -14m in width.

While in Pushing, President Emomali Rahmon attended the inauguration of the newly constructed building of Secondary Educational Institution No.5 in Pushing.

Its construction began in 2016. The total area of the three-story school is over 2500 square metres. The new school with 30 classrooms is designed for 1,520 pupils.

Provided with state-of-the-art equipment, the school accommodates physics, chemistry and biology laboratories, a library, an assembly hall for 250 persons, as well as a canteen.

In addition, President Emomali Rahmon inspected the newly renovated Pushing healthcare center. The centre is supplied with the state of the art medical equipment and devices, following the local entrepreneur’s initiative.

The head of state praised the worthy contribution of the villagers, generous and the patriotic entrepreneurs for the creation of a maternity ward and for their support of the creative policy of the government.

Later in the day, President Emomali Rahmon attended the opening ceremony of the new Culture and Recreation Park in Pushing. The park encompasses nearly one ha of land.

Pushing’s newest stadium with a 2,500 seating capacity and the Flag and State Symbol’s Square, where the flag flies on a 25 meter high flagpole were also examined by President Emomali Rahmon. The Flag Square occupies nearly three hectares.

Following the opening ceremony, President Emomali Rahmon addressed the locals  congratulated them with the opening of the new facility.

While in Pushing, President Emomali Rahmon also visited the 30 hectare Khoja Lailo farm where he was acquainted with the production  progress of quality agricultural products, the development of horticulture and food security.

Also in Pushing, President Emomali Rahmon inaugurated the Recreation and Cultural Park with a fish pond.  The total area of the park is six hectares.

In Gharghara, he attended the opening ceremony of the Faizi Karim Service Center, which specializes in military and other uniforms, children’s garments and hosiery products.

The complex was built by the initiative of patriotic entrepreneurs following declaration of the years 2019-2021 as the Period of Rural Development, Tourism, and Folk Crafts.

The center will receive raw materials from the Juntai Danghara Sin Silu Textiles Production Complex. More than 70 local residents, the majority of whom are women, are employed at the Faizi Karim Service Center.

While in Gharghara, the head of state also laid the cornerstone for the new cotton-dyeing workshop, which is expected to be operable in 2021.

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